View Full Version : Strange feeling through body

26-04-19, 23:54

Not sure if im posting in correct place but here goes.

I suffer from really bad health anxiety and at the moment and for the last couple of years, I am convinced I have a brain tumour as I feel dizzy and off balance quite a lot of the time. I have had tests 3 years ago and all was clear. They basically said my anxiety was making things worse. I had a baby and took a year off and I wasn't too bad and when I went back to work it all got really bad again. I started to get scared of going on train and now I get lifts or taxis to work which either way is not good as I'm putting people out or it's costing lots but at least I have been going in. I thought I was doing ok until the last couple of weeks, I have been feeling more off balance than usual or having moments when I'm on the PC that my brain or eyes seem to shift for a second and it freaks me out. The last few days at work have been horrible. Then yesterday I came home and after sorting dinner I went all woozy and hot and felt like I was coming down with something. I didn't feel great today so I stayed home. I wasn't too bad, just felt a bit woozy on and off. Then a couple of hours ago I felt woozy and I felt a really strange feeling in my insides like a shooting feeling that shot through me. I felt really bad and jumped up and didn't know what to do with myself and just started crying and saying to my partner that I wanted an ambulance that I couldn't put my finger on it but I didn't feel right and my head felt shimmy and foggy and woozy and dizzy. I started hysterical crying saying I didn't want to die and I was terrified of dying. It was horrible my mum and partner were trying to calm me down and I just didn't want to sit still, I just wanted to go to the hospital. Then I felt like I couldn't take a breath. I had some valium from ages ago so I took one and then had to go and sit by myself in the bath. I don't feel too bad now but there's a bit of me that still thinks I. Should have gone to hospital and that the above was not caused by panic and that in so in fact have something wrong with me.

I've had panic attacks before but this felt really different and made me feel a bit like I was really n dying as this feeling I got was something me to me.

Now I. Don't even know if things are real or caused by anxiety. I just want this all to stop. 😥

Can anyone else relate to this?

Thanks for reading if you got this far.


27-04-19, 00:34
Hi Kenton.
I have absolutely been through every symptom and feeling you describe. A person who hasn't experienced it first hand can't possibly understand how horrible it is, but for those of us who have, we can sympathize. My first and biggest symptom when anxiety is starting is also woozy, dizzy, off balance, and eyes not working properly. As soon as I feel the first wave of head zap or dizziness, it sets off the panic and all the other symptoms come rushing in. And yes, the feeling of not being able to sit still, having to get up and do SOMETHING or get help somewhere is very familiar to me.

It may be hard to believe, but all these symptoms and feelings are anxiety. The fact that you were able to settle down a little after taking a Valium should be proof of that. If you truly needed medical assistance the Valium wouldn't have helped.

If you haven't seen a doctor about your anxiety, that's a good place to start. You may want to start on some medications for a while until you can get things under control again because right now it's affecting your functionality. You'll find emotional support on this forum and lots of people who know exactly what you're going through, while trying to explain it to friends or family members might just make you feel more crazy or helpless.

This won't last forever - you WILL be able to get your life back.

27-04-19, 01:14
I can completely relate. I have actual vestibular issues and also health anxiety (even before the issues).

Your story doesn't make me think anything physical is threatening your health. Anxiety and panic can absolutely do what you described. And yes, when you're not familiar with the feeling or if it's new after a time of not having it, it's scary as hell. But it will fade when your anxiety fades, as you have already noticed to an extent with the Valium. It may take some time though.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

27-04-19, 07:15
I could of wrote this myself. I have had the exact same symptoms for months. I am sure it's anxiety though as when I am distracted and not thinking about it I don't notice it but as soon as I start thinking I don't feel right bam there it is whoozy, off balance adrenaline shooting through my body which I think you will find is the sensation you had in your body. Sorry I can't help you but you are definitely not on your own with this. I've been told to accept it and it will ease. But that's very hard to do when you feel like you will end up on the floor any second!

27-04-19, 12:19
Hi I’m going through this too I feel off balance almost like my eyes can’t catch up when I move.. if that makes sense and when I’m at work it’s worse bcus I have a fear of fainting I work in a shop . I hope you feel better soon it’s horrible and it’s nice to have someone that experiences it to my husband thinks I’m mad ! I just want to be normal

27-04-19, 16:08
Hi Kenton.
I have absolutely been through every symptom and feeling you describe. A person who hasn't experienced it first hand can't possibly understand how horrible it is, but for those of us who have, we can sympathize. My first and biggest symptom when anxiety is starting is also woozy, dizzy, off balance, and eyes not working properly. As soon as I feel the first wave of head zap or dizziness, it sets off the panic and all the other symptoms come rushing in. And yes, the feeling of not being able to sit still, having to get up and do SOMETHING or get help somewhere is very familiar to me.

It may be hard to believe, but all these symptoms and feelings are anxiety. The fact that you were able to settle down a little after taking a Valium should be proof of that. If you truly needed medical assistance the Valium wouldn't have helped.

If you haven't seen a doctor about your anxiety, that's a good place to start. You may want to start on some medications for a while until you can get things under control again because right now it's affecting your functionality. You'll find emotional support on this forum and lots of people who know exactly what you're going through, while trying to explain it to friends or family members might just make you feel more crazy or helpless.

This won't last forever - you WILL be able to get your life back.

Thanks for your kind words, I have been to the doctors so many times, they think I should take some medication, I have in the past but was tying to do it without this time. It's nice to talk to people who understand as much as people try to be supportive, when they don't understand it's very difficult for them. I feel a lot calmer today, although my insides still feel like they are quivering, but it's not as bad as last night. X

27-04-19, 16:10
I can completely relate. I have actual vestibular issues and also health anxiety (even before the issues).

Your story doesn't make me think anything physical is threatening your health. Anxiety and panic can absolutely do what you described. And yes, when you're not familiar with the feeling or if it's new after a time of not having it, it's scary as hell. But it will fade when your anxiety fades, as you have already noticed to an extent with the Valium. It may take some time though.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

Thanks for replying, it's nice to know I'm not alone. I think I need some time for the anxiety to fade, I just wish I had a magic wand x

27-04-19, 16:19
I could of wrote this myself. I have had the exact same symptoms for months. I am sure it's anxiety though as when I am distracted and not thinking about it I don't notice it but as soon as I start thinking I don't feel right bam there it is whoozy, off balance adrenaline shooting through my body which I think you will find is the sensation you had in your body. Sorry I can't help you but you are definitely not on your own with this. I've been told to accept it and it will ease. But that's very hard to do when you feel like you will end up on the floor any second!

Thanks for replying, normally I get anxiety and I feel I can't breathe or I feel dizzy. I don't think I've ever had the feelings that I had last night with this weird shooting feeling. I know what you mean about bringing on the dizzy feelings when you think about it. I just wish I knew how to handle it when they all come on. X

27-04-19, 16:20
Hi I’m going through this too I feel off balance almost like my eyes can’t catch up when I move.. if that makes sense and when I’m at work it’s worse bcus I have a fear of fainting I work in a shop . I hope you feel better soon it’s horrible and it’s nice to have someone that experiences it to my husband thinks I’m mad ! I just want to be normal

Thanks for

27-04-19, 16:21
Hi I’m going through this too I feel off balance almost like my eyes can’t catch up when I move.. if that makes sense and when I’m at work it’s worse bcus I have a fear of fainting I work in a shop . I hope you feel better soon it’s horrible and it’s nice to have someone that experiences it to my husband thinks I’m mad ! I just want to be normal

Thanks for replying..I know exactly what you mean I just wish it would go away. I'm sure anyone I tell thinks I'm mad too, it's nice for people here to understand x