View Full Version : Paralysis Fear Ongoing Issues Not Coping

27-04-19, 01:59
I've had nerve issues for a long time now, but they're progressively getting worse and I'm not coping.

I had a back injury around 2+ years ago, nothing major, seemed ok straight after. I do get back pain in the areas that I injured but again nothing major. A few months post-injury I was getting loss of sensation and paresthesia pain, started in both legs then went in to my arms. I had an MRI due to the symptoms and everything came back clear (full spine MRI) and it was a relief I'd been terrified of disk herniation/surgery/etc.

Then around a year ago I started getting tremors, they're mostly internal and feel like a nerve/fine muscle shaking but occasionally it's visible, it doesn't last long and has the same sensation as a muscle spasm but more localised. I have literally had them head to toe, the only place I've not had them is my tongue, everywhere else has been effected. I eventually went back to the doctors and found out I had low B12 and was treated for that. However, it didn't stop the tremors/spasms, plan is to go to a doctor review in 2 weeks, if it's no better I'll be referred for further assessment.

Problem is that this has gone on so long, I'm currently in so much pain (nerve pain), with constant tremors/spasms all over and some back pain. I strained my back the other day which explains the back pain but I'm now worrying that all the nerve symptoms indicate a ruptured/slipped disk or worse multiple. Doctors think it's B12, probably because it's everywhere not just 1 limb or section of my body. But the numbness and spasms seem linked. I've been driving myself crazy, caved and googled experiences in the hope that someone had found out it was something very normal, and alls I found were horror stories of paralysis and surgery, the two things I'm most frightened of at this stage.

09-05-19, 22:01
Hiyer tbot,

It must be hard for you to know what is a true injury induced symptom, what is an anxiety symptom and what is something 'yet to be diagnosed'. You KNOW looking online WILL give the horror stories, that s a granted :shades: It could be based on the date your post was made that you have already been back to the doctor, and been referred for further assessement - so just wondering how things are going ?