View Full Version : Near constant headache for a month

27-04-19, 02:30
I posted about my constant headache a little over a month ago and guess what--it's still freaking here! It won't go away. I wake up with a dull pain, usually in one of my temples or near my eye (not always in the same spot) and then it gets worse throughout the day. It gets so bad by the end of every day that I can't do my work.

I've been to an internal medicine doctor twice, went to urgent care and got a CT scan (showed nothing), went to an ENT (earns, nose, throat doctor), and a physical therapist and all of them have no idea what is going on. I have an appt with a neurologist on Monday. Today and yesterday I've been feeling dizzy and nauseous. I didn't think it was a BT before, but now I'm like...what else could be causing this unrelenting month-long headache?!

This has destroyed my quality of life. I can't do anything I enjoy because my head hurts so bad every day. Any theories as to what is going on? The doctors can't figure it out. I need relief.

27-04-19, 03:51
I've had headaches that have lasted a long time too. My doctor didn't even give me any tests, just gave me some really strong painkillers, and that seemed to do the trick.

27-04-19, 04:02
Yeah I might have to go that route. I guess right now I'm more concerned about figuring out what the cause is of the headaches rather than treating them. But if no one can figure out the cause then oh well I guess!

27-04-19, 04:08

29-04-19, 20:46
Anyone have any ideas?

30-04-19, 12:51
Could it be hormonal ? Hormone imbalances etc can cause range of symptoms