View Full Version : Random Images of dreams or memories

27-04-19, 02:41
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to the forum because Ive been experiencing the worst panic attacks Ive had in the last 6 years. For some reason I keep getting these snippets of memories in my head but I cant remember if they were from dreams or I just made them up in my head. They feel so real. Its almost like its a form of Deja Vu. If anyone out there can explain whats going on it feels like im going crazy because these memories and images in my head feel real. I would really appreciate anyone who could explain why this is happening. Im scared its temporal lobe seizures or something. Thank you so much to anyone who can get back to me.

27-04-19, 23:29
I've had this.

It's quite easy to differentiate them from temporal lobe seizures IMHO. (Brain tumours e.g. Glioblastoma have been my #1 fear for over 7 years now. I consider myself an "expert" on them :roflmao:)

Neurologists differentiate "normal" deja vu from epileptic deja vu by "the company it keeps". So, if you have deja vu and no other symptoms you can rest assured. If you have deja vu and confusion and rising stomach sensation etc, you should be concerned.

The dream thing you're talking about, yes I've had that before. It's really hard to explain how it feels! But if this was being caused by a seizure, you'd have other symptoms and the sensation would be intense - like nothing you've ever experienced. You'd go "into your own world" with these spells and they'd last anywhere up to five minutes. You'd also be unable to recall the memory or memories afterwards.

These aren't seizures that you're describing. I really don't think so from your description anyway.

Can you describe in more detail?

28-04-19, 01:24
Thanks for the reply! They are like images popping in my head of something ive seen before but can't quite picture where I saw it before. It feels like maybe it was a dream I had but I just dont know. Some of them I recognize as dreams, but other times I dont know where it came from but it feels "familiar". Its really scary because I cant stop thinking about them and trying to figure out why its happening. Sometimes something will trigger it and i feel that deja vu feeling. Im not sure if its just DP/DR that is making my brain misfire or what. Maybe its just due to prolonged anxiety? I'm not sure. It feels like im going crazy because I can't figure out where ive seen the image in my head. Is it normal with prolonged anxiety?

28-04-19, 23:15
Anyone experience this? Having a rough couple of days

29-04-19, 22:14
I get this when I’m dozing off to sleep but I’m not fully asleep. It’s like a split few seconds where I’m dreaming of something and when I wake up I have no memory of it. But at the time it feels very real , like I’m having a full blown conversation with someone and I wake up thinking I’ve been talking to myself.

It’s hard to explain but that’s the best way I can describe what I experience.
Does this sound like what you’re experiencing?

Btw mine never happen in bed .. it’s more like if I’m sunbathing for instance and I know I shouldn’t fall sleep but I do lol

23-07-24, 18:01
sorry to bump and old thread - but do you get this still? Did you ever figure out what it was? I’m really struggling at the moment

24-07-24, 00:14
^You're not alone .... I have flashback night terrors as of late; myself.

Does this happen every night for you? If this continues I would ask the doctor about it if your on medication as perhaps an adjustment could be made, otherwise, when you get out of bed try to wash off the night prior, that is what I do now as I've learned to live with this affliction - it can be distressing for sure and understandable to feel uneasy about it. Good you bumped the thread as maybe others might offer better insight. IMO nothing to fear as we all go through this at time with the vivid dreams.