View Full Version : bruises - fears - blood clots

11-09-07, 11:01
Hi everyone,
I have posted in answer to ceecee worries but my worry is a different symptom to hers, so I thought I would put it up again.

I came on here this morning because I am terribly anxious and beginning to panic.
Last night I bumped my foot - the pain!!!!! - I wrapped it in ice for a while, but it still hurt.
This morning I can see a bruise all round the base of my little toe.

Stupidly?????? my biggest fear is that a blood clot will break off from this bruise and will kill me.

Needless to say I can only speak of this fear on here - but it makes me so frightened.
I did read in the paper that this had happened I know I should not believe all I read BUT this is the stuff that sticks in my mind and comes back to haunt me. What if???
My family will say that my fears are "just your Panic" "Stop worring" I know they care but I hurt - I really do. And I am so afraid of "what might happen"
I keep checking that the bruise is getting bigger / turning purple.
thie tigling / dry mouth chest pain (ribs) / head pain (not headache) the list is endless.
No wonder they think I'm daft - BUT you don't - do you ?


11-09-07, 11:06
of course we don't think your daft june, we all have the most weirdest worries that many others would find stupid, but because we've had them, we don't judge we don't laugh just try and help xxx

11-09-07, 11:13
Thank you SammiB, so nice to know some cares - as you know the fears are sooooo real - I do know the logic - a bruise is a bruise BUT the other half of my brain won't let me fully believe that it is so simple - so the panic goes on.
Best wishes june

11-09-07, 12:07
I'm sorry to hear about your poor toe! Please don't be embarassed to be worried about it. Everybody gets thoughts like that, but anxiety sufferers get the horrible symptoms that go with the thoughts - and that just makes them seem more frightening! I'm sure your toe will be fine, but if it's really painful I'd see your Dr just for some reassurance.

Hope you feel better soon. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

11-09-07, 22:23
Hi June,

i'm sure your bruise is absoulty fine (obviously painful though). I reguarly bruise very impressively, i always think its good when you seen a bruise because its coming out so to speak.
I hope your pain lessons soon,

anx xx

11-09-07, 22:31
I bruise easily, ive a wopper on my leg at the moment, it really hurts and ive had calf pain but im not worried because if it was to turn into a clot i know my leg would swell and get hot and red. My gp once told me that.

Don't worry im sure you will be fine.

12-09-07, 08:56
Thank you all, In all seriousness - I woke this morning and realised I am still here. My foot is a bit better. But my mind is still racing. I woke out of a strange "unconnected" dream - felt as if I was being hauled back from somewhere - lots of remembered 'bits' that you think "Oh lor, what does that mean?????.And then you tell your self for goodness sake 'SHUT UP'. It never really works though. Still have stomach churns and fuzzy brain.
best wishes