View Full Version : I need some hugs

28-04-19, 07:07
Morning all this morning and for the last few weeks my anxiety is wearing me down,I wake up every morning,saying to myself I've had enough of feeling like this,tinnitus aching ribs,light headed you name it I am feeling it,I am 74 and I still go out but every day is a battle ,I don't know what to else to say,I am now frightened that I will end up in some psychiatric ward,no one is interested how I feel,or that's how it seems,i am really fed up with making out I am alright in front of people,anyway I don't mean this to be a negative post as I have had GAD for 30 years,just want a virtual hug.Thanks for listening my friends

28-04-19, 07:18
Sending you all the hugs. :bighug1:

Sorry you're having a rough day - thinking of you.

28-04-19, 07:31
Morning @BlueIris thank you my friend just needed some reassurance that I'm not going mad(LOL) I've had GAD for so long you would think I had got used to it,enjoy your day(smile)

28-04-19, 08:30
You're NOT going mad, Aquilega..and certainly don't meet the criteria for a psychiatric ward admission!! GAD is exhausting and debilitating but it won't make you insane-just overwhelmed at times and some days will be much worse than others and some days will seem endless with a myriad of anxiety symptoms.

People generally don't understand GAD. I think you are doing the right thing by carrying on regardless-yes, it may seem like a battle but giving it the "battle" terminology just adds adrenaline into the situation which increases your symptoms..but you know all this anyway.

I hope your day gets better...

28-04-19, 09:06
Morning @pulisa my friend and thank you for your reply,your words really do make a difference,enjoy your day(smile)

29-04-19, 05:03
:hugs: from me.

It can be a relentless disorder and there are times where you just sink. I think we have to be prepared to manage the times we may feel like we want to do too much and times we just can't do anything. Be kind to yourself in the down times. They will pass, you know this. It is frustrating because with GAD there is often nothing you can point to and say what has caused this period, it's just sort of "there". On a forum where we see so many threads asking about different symptoms, many people having all sorts in their time, some of us get stuck with some specific ones and it can feel never-ending as the day starts again.

But you could crumble or you could keep going. You keep going, you face it. At the worst we tend to be crumbling but when you can face things and take them on you know you are far from at those dark stages you may worry about.

Don't worry about how it sounds because people understand. It's not reassurance seeking to occasionally need a bit of hug. Give your dog a fuss and try to feel what they feel, they are great companions, very loving.

29-04-19, 06:46
Hope today is better, but if it isn’t now then maybe it will be later. Hugs x

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

29-04-19, 08:14
It's often worse first thing when you have a full day ahead of you to negotiate. How lovely to have a little dog to care for though! I have 2 guinea pigs who live in the house and they keep me busy with their demands!!

29-04-19, 08:38
Guinea pigs make the most wonderful sounds, don't they, Pulisa? I'm just recovering from a temporary panic as one of the cats waited for me to leave for work before finally deigning to come home :/