View Full Version : Still in there fighting

28-04-19, 08:11
Morning all this morning and for the last few weeks my anxiety is wearing me down,I wake up every morning,saying to myself I've had enough of feeling like this,tinnitus aching ribs,light headed you name it I am feeling it,I am 74 and I still go out but every day is a battle ,I don't know what to else to say,I am now frightened that I will end up in some psychiatric ward,no one is interested how I feel,or that's how it seems,i am really fed up with making out I am alright in front of people,anyway I don't mean this to be a negative post as I have had GAD for 30 years,.Thanks for listening my friends

28-04-19, 08:14
Hello its me again well since my above post I have prepared lunch,filled up all the bird feeders,and taken my little dog Penny out for a walk,and so it goes on,didn't feel like doing anything,but something inside of me says,do it anyway.Thanks for reading my friends(smile)

28-04-19, 12:42
Well done :) sometimes what is needed is to forge ahead and do things, even though you know it will make you feel a bit rubbish.... the more you do then the more your body will discover that these things aren't so scary after all :)

28-04-19, 13:35
You do your best and can do no more than that, Aquilega. I've followed you on some of your walks in the countryside on YT. You have great knowledge of botany.

Keep up the good work, and as Venus says, forge ahead! :D

28-04-19, 14:00
Don't worry, you won't end up in a hospital ward. If treatment is needed it's always given via the Dr or CBT therapists. Most conditions are treated in the community now anyway.

WE are interested in how you're feeling. Friends and family, helpful as they can be, really don't have a clue. We all know what it's like to wake up and think, God another day to get through. Yet get through them we do. We don't want to do anything but we keep on.

Ive had this for 40 years, its a depressing figure but it is what it is. I can't change the past but every day I try to make the future better.
i feed the birds too, right through the year. It's rewarding to see the baby birds coming with their parents to the feeders isn't it?

28-04-19, 14:39
Good afternoon and thank you each and everyone of you for your kind and friendly posts,its the adrenaline rushes in the tummy and the tinnitus,and the ,well its like walking on sponge all the time ,and trying not to concentrate is almost impossible,anyway once again thank you,and have a good day(smile)