View Full Version : Light headiness

28-04-19, 09:11
Hi all, I've been light headed for over two weeks now. I had a break of 2 days where it went but it suddenly came back. I now have a cold which I'm sure is unrelated but I cant explain it. Went to the doctors twice who put it down to me over doing it as I've had a lot of stress and been working hard. They did blood pressure etc which was all normal but I'm so worried there is something more. I feel weak with it and had a few days off which has not helped. Anyone else had this feeling? So hard to explain. I could understand if it came and went but its constant.

28-04-19, 16:04
I could understand if it came and went but its constant.

I had a break of 2 days where it went

Positive thoughts

28-04-19, 16:34
Thanks but it was more to see if anyone else had it. It's not like its dizziness bit a sense of not being all there. Feel weak and tired.

28-04-19, 17:05
It's not like its dizziness bit a sense of not being all there. Feel weak and tired.

Derealization (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?106-Depersonalization-depersonalisation-amp-Derealization-derealisation-(DP-amp-DR)) due to stress.

positive thoughts

29-04-19, 18:56
Looks like it could be. Spoke to doctor today and she put my dosage up and reckons its anxiety related and I've burned myself out but didnt feel massively anxious.

01-05-19, 09:22
Still feel so odd and vacant.

05-05-19, 21:49
Take each day at a time I get derealisation on and off and dizziness I think I’m hyperventilating and not realising you could try some breath techniques to normalise the breathing x

08-05-19, 14:00
I get this everyday I do empathise with you.. It is awful..