View Full Version : Dealing with nausea

30-04-19, 19:36
Hi all

Sorry if this is in the wrong place but thought I’d ask if you had any tips for dealing with nausea during a panic attack?

Nausea (and a racing heart) are by far the worst symptoms I experience when having a panic attack, and it is now so bad that I’m afraid of feeling nauseous or sick, so much so that it causes the panic attack and causes me to feel it! This particularly happens in situations where it wouldn’t be socially ‘acceptable’ to suddenly run to the toilet, e.g in meetings or at the dentist. I’m not scared of the dentist, or of social situations, or anything like that. But I am now so scared of feeling sick that it’s become a self fulfilling prophecy!

I did used to get panic attacks that felt more like I was going to die, and I took paroxetine for 5 years but I’ve been off it for 2.5 years.

It’s looking like I may need to go back on some kind of medication but if I can beat the feeling sick that would be enough for me I think.

So is there anything you guys do to stop yourselves feeling sick quickly?


30-04-19, 20:56
Polos! I used to carry them around all the time and suck on one until I felt better. That or Bach’s rescue remedy.

Or I’d play a game on my phone to distract my mind, then my breathing would get back to normal & the nausea subside.

Ultimately the only cure is to stop the panic attacks

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30-04-19, 21:10
Sip fresh cold water. Worth a try ? Every time you feel a wave of yuckiness, take another sip.

30-04-19, 22:33
Definately cold water. It does make me feel generally better.

it doesn't have to be fresh for me either, as long as it's cold. I keep a bottle in the fridge ready all the time.

02-05-19, 23:04
You sound exactly like I was 2 weeks ago. GAD caused me to feel sick, I feared eating and I feared situations that made me have panic because it caused me to feel neausa. I'm on medications and I can say that mostly this symptom has subsided. It lingers, but I no longer have the constant fear of being sick.

06-05-19, 09:50
I'm in the same boat constantly - especially when I'm onstage!

13-05-19, 19:22
I'm in the same boat constantly - especially when I'm onstage!

On stage? Are you our secret celeb jalapeno? :scared15: