View Full Version : Had anyone else has problems with hair falling out?

30-04-19, 23:12
I’m not sure why but lately when I have showered I’m getting clumps of hair coming out in the shower. Throughout the day there’s just a random strand of my hair everywhere. If I run my fingers through it a few strands come out too which is not like me. I’m 19 and I have really thick hair. I got it highlighted a few months ago but I’m starting to get worried?? Im also low on vitamin D and I am on prescribed supplements for that. I know that can have something to do with it but I’m afraid soon I’ll be bald. That and my period being out of wack is really frightening me. Last time I was at the doctor he mentioned me getting help for anxiety but these symptoms are not imagined!

01-05-19, 01:48
Everyone sheds hair. Everyone. It is extremely common in everyday life! You probably notice it more because you have thick hair, there is more to lose so it looks dramatic when it happens when in reality it is only a couple of strands. I don't think that being low on vitamin D would have anything to do with losing hair. If your doctor recommended getting help w/ anxiety I would take it up with him esp. if you are using the NMP website. I take medication and it really helps me (but is not the answer for everyone). Don't worry about your hair falling out...it seriously happens to everyone. You can take biotin supplements if you want to strengthen your hair.

01-05-19, 02:11
I’m not sure why but lately when I have showered I’m getting clumps of hair coming out in the shower. Throughout the day there’s just a random strand of my hair everywhere. If I run my fingers through it a few strands come out too which is not like me. I’m 19 and I have really thick hair. I got it highlighted a few months ago but I’m starting to get worried?? Im also low on vitamin D and I am on prescribed supplements for that. I know that can have something to do with it but I’m afraid soon I’ll be bald. That and my period being out of wack is really frightening me. Last time I was at the doctor he mentioned me getting help for anxiety but these symptoms are not imagined!

Hormones can do that sometimes, especially if your period is out of whack, as you describe. (And anxiety can affect both.) I wouldn’t worry; I used to lose tons of hair periodically and I never went bald. :winks:

01-05-19, 05:10
Agreeing with all of the above. I have very thick hair and it sheds like the proverbial - occasionally I can pull clumps out of the end of my ponytail! Pretty sure I'm not going bald though.

01-05-19, 08:18
I’m not sure why but lately when I have showered I’m getting clumps of hair coming out in the shower. Throughout the day there’s just a random strand of my hair everywhere. If I run my fingers through it a few strands come out too which is not like me. I’m 19 and I have really thick hair. I got it highlighted a few months ago but I’m starting to get worried?? Im also low on vitamin D and I am on prescribed supplements for that. I know that can have something to do with it but I’m afraid soon I’ll be bald. That and my period being out of wack is really frightening me. Last time I was at the doctor he mentioned me getting help for anxiety but these symptoms are not imagined!

If it were anything to worry about I would be bald by now! I shed worse than any animal I’ve ever had. There would be complete wig-fulls of my hair everywhere if I didn’t make sure to clean up frequently. It comes out in clumps when I wash it, or even just put my fingers through it, it’s everywhere even if I brush my hair frequently.

I just like to think of it as I leave a trace of me wherever I go.

Positive vibes,


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01-05-19, 09:07
Exactly, Mouse, we're just displaying authority over our cats by demonstrating that we shed better than they do.

01-05-19, 09:11
Exactly, Mouse, we're just displaying authority over our cats by demonstrating that we shed better than they do.

Yep! There’s part of me everywhere, although with summer on the way and Leo being poorly there’s a lot of his white fluff everywhere too... I think he might be close to rivalling me at this point!

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01-05-19, 09:12
Aw, no! Is the little guy not well again?

01-05-19, 22:37
Hi, I have had issues with my hair falling out. There is something called Telegum effluvium (sp) your hair goes in cycles and it’s when your hair has come out of its normal cycle. It can be caused by stress, medication, anaesthetic, operation. I fell down a flight of stairs and it caused that to happen to me, it might not be that but I thought I might mention it to you

02-05-19, 23:05
A few tips I’ve picked up:
1) never tie your hair back when it’s wet (wet hair is more elastic - as it dries the strain can snap it.)
2) likewise, don’t wrap your hair tight in a towel after washing it.
3) brush if gently before washing and pat dry - don’t rub.
4) try using the squiggly hair ties, instead of elastic bobbles as they are gentler on the hair.

I was getting loads of hair falling out in the shower every day. I’ve noticed a huge difference since following all these tips religiously. It’s been 9 months and sometimes I don’t get any loose hairs. But I probably noticed a difference after just a month or so. (I’m also careful about not blow drying too much)

Captain irrational
04-05-19, 01:42
The average person sheds several hundred hairs every day, which adds up to quite a big clump especially if you have long hair, but it's a normal process and really nothing to worry about. I have noticed from personal experience that I go through periods of the year where I shed lots of hair, and others where I shed less. I have also noticed that taking supplements such as biotin help prevent hair shedding.

05-05-19, 03:44
I had a bout with losing hair. It was noticeable. I honestly thought I was going bald. It came on about 3 months after the worst panic I've ever experienced.

Thankfully, it was short-lived. I started using a special Argan shampoo (can't remember what it was called), but there are several on the market. You could probably search my name for posts b/c I know I mentioned it here. It actually helped.

Eventually, I stopped losing hair in clumps, and I never see any in the shower anymore.

05-05-19, 11:31
If you search my old posts you'll see that I have been through this. I think I started to notice what was basically normal shedding but I hyper focused on it and lost many months of my life to an absolute obsession with it. I have hundreds of photos of myself from that time of my hair line as I was obsessed that it was receding or getting thinner. That was two years ago and I still have a full head of hair. It was an awful time.