View Full Version : Liver pain? Worried...

02-05-19, 18:01
Although my health anxiety has been pretty well under control for several months (yay!) I am having a concerning symptom that is threatening to derail all the progress I’ve made with my anxiety.

About 4 days ago I noticed a tender spot on my abdomen. It’s above my belly button on the right side, and feels as if there is a bruise there when pressed even though there is no bruising on my skin. At first I figured it WAS some sort of bruise because I carry my small kids around a lot and their knees stick into my stomach, which was how I first noticed that the spot was painful. But then, I started to notice a dull pain right underneath my right ribcage. It’s not in the exact same place as the tender spot but just above it. It is not severe pain, but a dull aching that comes and goes. Sometimes it sort of wraps around to my back. I have scheduled an appointment with my GP next week, but in the meantime Dr. Google has told me it’s my liver. I don’t drink much at all so I’m not as worried about cirrhosis or something like that as I am about the possibility of a tumor on my liver that is causing the pain. It seems like most of the other possible explanations for this type of pain (gallstones, appendicitis, etc.) would be causing more severe pain, and this is not severe, just annoying.

Anyone experienced something similar who can talk me down?

03-05-19, 04:21
Although my health anxiety has been pretty well under control for several months (yay!) I am having a concerning symptom that is threatening to derail all the progress I’ve made with my anxiety.

About 4 days ago I noticed a tender spot on my abdomen. It’s above my belly button on the right side, and feels as if there is a bruise there when pressed even though there is no bruising on my skin. At first I figured it WAS some sort of bruise because I carry my small kids around a lot and their knees stick into my stomach, which was how I first noticed that the spot was painful. But then, I started to notice a dull pain right underneath my right ribcage. It’s not in the exact same place as the tender spot but just above it. It is not severe pain, but a dull aching that comes and goes. Sometimes it sort of wraps around to my back. I have scheduled an appointment with my GP next week, but in the meantime Dr. Google has told me it’s my liver. I don’t drink much at all so I’m not as worried about cirrhosis or something like that as I am about the possibility of a tumor on my liver that is causing the pain. It seems like most of the other possible explanations for this type of pain (gallstones, appendicitis, etc.) would be causing more severe pain, and this is not severe, just annoying.

Anyone experienced something similar who can talk me down?

been there done that. I drink a pretty fair bit so I was concerned about my liver. I had an abdominal CT and multiple liver function blood tests...all clear. Almost 3 years later I’m alive and well. I still get the pain from time to time but I’ve learned to disregard it.

03-05-19, 21:38
Thanks for your reply! I am thinking it could be something like gastritis now that I’ve done a little more research (which I shouldn’t be doing but...) and I’m starting to feel less anxious about it. Hopefully after I see my GP next week I’ll feel reassured :)

04-05-19, 01:55
Thanks for your reply! I am thinking it could be something like gastritis now that I’ve done a little more research (which I shouldn’t be doing but...) and I’m starting to feel less anxious about it. Hopefully after I see my GP next week I’ll feel reassured :)

Thats exactly what my doctor thought...duodenitis I believe.