View Full Version : Waiting for test results is the pits

02-05-19, 18:21
Suppose to get biopsy results today (have 3.5 hours left until they close) or tomorrow. I've been pretty good at squishing the anxiety for the past week but it's starting to get the better of me and starting to run wild since I know it'll be soon. Hoping so hard it's today.

02-05-19, 18:36
Suppose to get biopsy results today (have 3.5 hours left until they close) or tomorrow. I've been pretty good at squishing the anxiety for the past week but it's starting to get the better of me and starting to run wild since I know it'll be soon. Hoping so hard it's today.

Mid this about that tiny thing from a couple weeks ago?

02-05-19, 18:43
She did take that one off just because of it scabbing and it made me uneasy, but there was another one she wanted to take off. So, naturally me being me, I'm more worried about that one now ha.

02-05-19, 18:48
She did take that one off just because of it scabbing and it made me uneasy, but there was another one she wanted to take off. So, naturally me being me, I'm more worried about that one now ha.

Yes, the cycle of HA. And once that one comes back clear, there will be a new worry of course.

anyway, I’m quite sure everything will come back fine, and hopefully you can find a way to move beyond. :)

02-05-19, 18:58
Melanoma is my #1 so I just want to get past this lol so I can breathe easy for 2 seconds. The 2 other times I've had biopsies on a Friday, I got the results the next Thursday, so it's making me paranoid if they don't come today. EVEN though they said Thursday or Friday. Hate my mind sometimes.

03-05-19, 18:03
Ugh there's 4 hours left to call me until the office closes. Seriously about to freak out. What if something is wrong with my results and they need a second opinion. I don't want to be worrying all weekend.

03-05-19, 18:53
Ugh there's 4 hours left to call me until the office closes. Seriously about to freak out. What if something is wrong with my results and they need a second opinion. I don't want to be worrying all weekend.

If there’s something wrong, it’s more likely that they would call you urgently....

03-05-19, 19:01
I'm not getting them today. I called and the NP is only working half a day and no results were scanned in. I'm kind of a wreck now that it's taking longer and I have to wait till at least Monday. They could be getting a second opinion on the biopsy making it take longer.

03-05-19, 19:04
I'm not getting them today. I called and the NP is only working half a day and no results were scanned in. I'm kind of a wreck now that it's taking longer and I have to wait till at least Monday. They could be getting a second opinion on the biopsy making it take longer.

Catastrophic thinking 101

03-05-19, 19:14
100% agree but I can't help it. I've been telling myself I just have to go to Friday before I know and then not getting it is killing me.

03-05-19, 19:41
If it was serious they would have called - don't let it ruin your weekend.

06-05-19, 18:36
Another day (well almost 3.5 hours to go) and no results. This can't be good.

06-05-19, 19:11
Another day (well almost 3.5 hours to go) and no results. This can't be good.

Why would bad news take longer? My doctors don’t even contact me if nothing untoward comes up.

Positive vibes,


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06-05-19, 19:55
If they need to investigate the biopsy further or get more opinions on it.

06-05-19, 19:57
Pretty sure that those are the circumstances under which things get rushed through.

06-05-19, 20:00
Pretty sure that those are circumstance under which things get rushed through.

^ yep! Definitely, no news is good news.

Give them a call tomorrow and see if they have the results.

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06-05-19, 20:21
I gave them a call today. If I do it again, they may blacklist me lol. But if they just read it Thursday/Friday, they could be getting the second opinion now. My mind is running wild on me

06-05-19, 20:49
They’re so concerned, and treatment is so urgent, that they’re burning time by withholding the results.

Makes perfect sense.

06-05-19, 20:55
I'm not saying they are withholding, they don't have them yet because they aren't back. The maybe reason for why they aren't back is making nervous.

06-05-19, 22:11
please stop worrying and enjoy life - it will come back negative and you have totally stressed yourself out over nothing which is far more harmful!!!!

07-05-19, 04:09
I'm trying to but the more days I go without a call, the more freaked out I get.