View Full Version : hi all im new!!

11-09-07, 15:19
hi folks im becca and new to this site.. started suffering really bad panic attacks in june after losing my dad suddenly, and going on holiday,, always felt i was going mad etc.. scared to go to sleep case went nuts in the night.. doc put me on dothiepin which im meant to take a 100mg at nte, he wanted me to take 25 mg in morn and 75mg at nte but i didnt like how it made me feel in the day!! does ne one else on them take in daytime? think im drinking bit to much to!! to relax me in the eve but i feel really panicky in the morn.. having bad time with cancer phobia at mo too.. started a new job and nearly had to run out i was that panicky... sorry to waffle on, im just so fed up of this is it ever going to go away...hate the fear of losing control as well byt know its just a symptom becc xxx please ne advice

11-09-07, 16:45
Hello Becca

Welcome to the site, it seems that you have PTSD, and thats why the panics started, there are soo many people in your position here that can give you advice and lots of support, You have only been suffering a little while and so have i, i started at the end of may this year. Sometimes the meds take a long time to get into the system and for the side effects to go away, yopu should try and stick to them as i'm sure they will help.

hope you find lots of new friends here and take care


11-09-07, 17:23
Welcome to no panic,you will get lots of support here and helpful advise.You will see you are not alone in how your feeling.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

11-09-07, 23:35
Hello Becca :welcome:to you!

You're in the right place to meet people who will be able to empathise with you and advise you.

You'll also make some great friends too - most of us do!

Pleased to meet you!


12-09-07, 00:23
Hi Becca,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

12-09-07, 02:34

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxx

12-09-07, 03:18
Hi Becca And Welcome............linda

12-09-07, 06:10
Hello Becca welcome to the site! You will find loads of kind people here who understand just how you are feeling. I am so sorry you are going through this bad time - hang in there babes! Best wishes and hugs, Maz xxxx:hugs:

12-09-07, 17:29
hi becca, welcome to the site. its been almost a lifesaver for me over the last year and im sure it'll help you. Just remember, your not alone..keep strong and be brave.


em xxx

12-09-07, 17:54
Hi Becca,

Welcome to NMP. Many here feel exactly how you do and you will get support. I'm sorry for the loss of your father. Meds do take awhile to kick in and I hope you feel better soon.



12-09-07, 19:21
Hi becca :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

I was on Dotheipin but it never helped with my panic attacks at all.

12-09-07, 20:11
Hi Becca and :welcome:

16-09-07, 20:36
Hi Becca and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm sorry to hear of your loss and the meds are giving you a hard time. It often takes a while for them to built up so stick at it if you can.

Take care,

Mike :)

16-09-07, 22:18
Hi Becca.

Welcome to nmp, hope this site helps you.

love Mags xxx