View Full Version : Eye Twitching driving me CRAZY!

02-05-19, 18:44
I have a call into my doctor, but wanted to see if anyone else has had eye twitching last for weeks or months?? It is literally driving me crazy- and if my eye isn't twitching, my nose will twitch. I know it can be related to stress or fatigue, but to last for 3-4 weeks with no relief? I have tried magnesium and gatorade, but nothing is helping. Will this ever go away? Starting to get concerned!

02-05-19, 19:48
It's nothing - annoying but nothing. I've had it for months on end myself.

02-05-19, 20:16

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03-05-19, 03:32
It's nothing - annoying but nothing. I've had it for months on end myself.Same here. Several of my co-workers have too. Not coincidentally, we have a high stress environment for months on end each year.

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03-05-19, 10:07
Me too. Annoying, but just that. x

03-05-19, 10:37
Once, on and off for a whole year in left eye. Seeing the doctor? No I didn't.

03-05-19, 14:01
My middle finger on my left hand has been twitching for about a month now but I think it has to do more with the political climate than anything sinister ;)

03-05-19, 21:54
Eyes, nose, mouth twitches... I've had it all. My left eyelid was twitching so fiercely it was actually moving my eyeball around. A bit freaky but it stopped on its own after a while. The more you think of it, the more it will happen. Nothing to worry about.

06-05-19, 03:41
Thanks for the replies... now my other eye is twitching and even my legs now! My doctor left me a message late Friday afternoon saying “go to urgent care if it gets really bad over the weekend.” Why?? I mean it’s been going on this long, so what could possibly be an emergency?
Just wondering why it won’t stop and keeps spreading. I am not particularly anxious all the time? The only thing new I started were birth control pills, wonder if that would contribute??

06-05-19, 06:10
Welllllll, it is possible that hormone level changes can cause muscle twitching (although you won't find many doctors acknowledging that, it will often be put down the anxiety if they don't find another cause!) - I know that I have had many problems with that myself for the last few years. However, mine are low progesterone (non ovulation) and hopefully now diminishing oestrogen (perimenopause), I first visited my doctor about it 3 years ago and 'no cause was found' . It isn't known why it happens to women at my stage in life, the odd muscle twitching thing that moves around the body, but here there and everywhere women complain of it and I can relate it to period type each month in a pattern. Its possible that any changes in the levels of the delicate hormone balance can produce an odd array of symptoms, I've read of it on various forums - you don't mention which type you are on, progesterone only or not ? The pill could have elevated one level and the other is reduced in comparison, or vice versa ? You don't mention your age, but I am presuming in reproductive years? Anxiety can cause the same benign issue I read from many people on here and there are some who really struggle with muscle twitching moving round their bodies. SOme people also say some mineral deficiencies can cause it, but you are on the case with that one.

I don't honestly know why your doctor would say to go to urgent care, I'm not a medical person. Maybe he could see that you were distressed ? Maybe he didn't know what was causing it and thought as 'it was spreading' they would run some basic tests if necessary? I honestly don't know, but I suspect he wanted you to have access to medical help if you wanted it over the time he is shut over the weekend. How is it now ?

13-05-19, 17:59
Well, I was trying to give it some time to see if it changed throughout the bcp pack, or if it would just go away, but unfortunately it has not. It is mainly my eye, but often my nose and legs at times as well. I tried drinking some tonic water (read that could help), but hasn't seemed to. I am starting to get a bit concerned just because it has been so long, but everything I have read says 99% of the time it is benign. It's driving me nuts...