View Full Version : Smells again?

04-05-19, 09:04
I have a cat and his tray is full and I got a whiff of cat poo so head upstairs and it smells fresh but can't find it anywhere. The smell wasn't in all the rooms so I'd be in one room not there, back in hall and smelt it. Anyway, I head back up few mins later and I can't smell it now. Worried it's the smell thing again. Are phantom smells typical to be cat poop or?

04-05-19, 10:15
22 'serious illness fear' threads in the last 3 months Helen, and infact the last couple of weeks are a new serious illness every couple of days. This is so out of control, who is helping you with this, is there anybody? Have you secured therapy?

04-05-19, 10:17

04-05-19, 11:30
Empty litter tray. Open windows. Smell should go unless your cat has left you a hidden pressie somewhere, as I'm sure you wouldn't want to use a bog that was overflowing with crap :lac:

04-05-19, 14:32
I have emptied it and it did have a poop in but didn't smell like the smell on the hall. Could it have followed my cat? I'm worried about the whole phantom smell thing again

04-05-19, 14:53
You have a cat, it did a poo, you can smell the poo so you removed it. End of story - these are not phantom smells they are real smells.

What has happened with all the other recent illness? and therapy??

04-05-19, 16:33
The tray was downstairs and smell upstairs. I rested my eyes and had brief dream of a label with maybe my name and now I'm worried it was vision of morgue tag.

04-05-19, 16:42
If all you think about is death and illness all the time, that's going to pervade your dreams as well.

04-05-19, 17:29
Just sayin' :whistles:


Positive thoughts

04-05-19, 18:28
Helen-you need some serious help. I have phantom smells often. It doesn't mean anything. For me, it is smells like gas.

I feel so bad for your new baby. His mother wasting time on things that are nothing to even think about. Could be spending time with him, rather than wasting it worrying about things that do not make any bit of sense.

04-05-19, 19:44
What has happened with all the other recent illness? and therapy??

08-05-19, 17:11
Update this one Helen ?

09-05-19, 07:57
Just sayin' :whistles:


Positive thoughts

Ba!Ha!Ha :roflmao: