View Full Version : Fed up with sore ribcage

04-05-19, 18:30
Hi all,

Basically, I've been getting really sore achy rib muscles for about a year or something. It applies to my chest and upper back muscles, ie ribcage. I've heard of costachondritis but this only really applies to where the cartilage joins the sternem, whereas mine is all over rib cage.
It gets worse when I hunch up or stretch my back out in any way.

Could anyone give any advice on what could be causing this Please? Could vit D or potassium deficiency be the cause? I'm pretty worried about it. Thanks in advance.

04-05-19, 19:34
You never updated us on this thread:


04-05-19, 22:15
It turned out to be ok...according to the ultrasound. I'm very grateful and relieved. But i still don't know what is causing this pain...

04-05-19, 22:32
If some of the members here lived in my body for a day, I'd be interested in seeing the threads. Pop some ibuprofen and deal with it!

Positive thoughts

04-05-19, 22:43
I don't understand what you mean. Please explain.

04-05-19, 23:03
so please update that thread

04-05-19, 23:08
I shall. But i doubt anyone's waiting to hear the answer.

05-05-19, 12:38
I shall. But i doubt anyone's waiting to hear the answer.
Of course we are - we like to hear what was found etc.

08-05-19, 15:34
Hi again - I know some of you may think that I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but I've been reading that a potassium deficiency can cause aching muscles, and cramps (which I keep getting in my hands!) and a thumping heart beat (which I also have!)...

It also says you should get urgent medical attention if you have those symptoms as they can be fatal.

Someone reassure me, please! Should I go to the doctors now!????

08-05-19, 16:11
If you have had this for a year then it is unlikely to be fatal and needing attention right this minute to be honest.

But you have to decide this for yourself as we are not medically trained and cannot say whether you need to see a doctor or not

09-05-19, 20:02
I'm saying this with kindness, but eat a banana and have a Gatorade. They're loaded in potassium. I think that the fatal kind of deficiency would be EXTREME potassium deficiency, unlikely for you.