View Full Version : how do you get rid of mucus/nasal congestion and exercise to help

04-05-19, 19:47
Hi all
so i am still coughing up green mucus and got nasal congestion, possibly from post nasal drip. I have got nasal spray on some new drops to try but womdered what natural ways people use?
i am going to start getting back to the gym next week after 2 weeks of due to tooth infection and then having it out. So i am hoping by exercising that will get stuff moving and ill start to cough it up. Obviously the health anxiety kicks in when i start to breath hard though but i need to accept that its the anxiety mixed with mild asthma and being about 50 pounds overweight
Any suggestions on this will be great

04-05-19, 20:21
Well it all depends what's causing it. It's commonly caused by reflux, and if you're overweight it seems more likely that you'll have reflux in the first place.

An alteration of your diet might be the most effective way to cure it.

bin tenn
05-05-19, 21:20
Well it all depends what's causing it. It's commonly caused by reflux, and if you're overweight it seems more likely that you'll have reflux in the first place.

An alteration of your diet might be the most effective way to cure it.

I have heard/read that as well, and I also experience it with reflux. I have the constant throat clearing, a frequent throaty cough, etc regularly. Sometimes cough up clear mucus with "funk" in it, presumably just dirt / dust mixed in due to the post nasal drip. For me, dietary change and treating the reflux doesn't make a difference. I guess some people just have to live with it. :P