View Full Version : Questions about pancreas/liver

05-05-19, 17:44
(pre warning this post is filled with TMI)

Hi All

I have been having a rough time with HA for about 5 weeks now (and have done so previously too)

Currently it's pancreatic cancer (I'm a 32 year old male FYI)

I was wondering would my urine be dark regardless of how much water I took in If something was wrong?

Also would all stools be pale/white/grey regardless of what was eaten?

I feel like I'm eating dark foods to stop my BMs being pale but part of me thinks that I'm just hiding what's really wrong (I have had very pale BMs when eating lighter foods) and when eating darker foods I'm having more brown BMs (haven't had a solid one in 5 weeks)

My urine has been a lot more frequent recently but has been pale yellow or clear as water.... And I know I'm upping my water intake to try and keep it that way but I just don't know if I did have PC would my heavy water intake still produce dark urine?

Any responses much appreciated

05-05-19, 18:38
There is nothing you've said that even remotely points to anything concerning or untoward.

This is a combination of over-active imagination, HA and Googling.

Therefore, treat your anxiety and symptoms will take care of themselves (ie, vanish).

05-05-19, 22:35

Thanks a lot for taking the time to respond and I appreciate your thoughts

I would love to make myself believe exactly what you have said... But we all know its not that easy

I can be quite logical hence why I asked the questions in my post... IF I knew for sure that plale stools are always accompanied with dark urine and that urine would be dark no matter how much liquid intake there had been it would help me ten fold... I don't want to look it up as I know I'll find something else to worry about...