View Full Version : So stressed and stuck in a situation, very overwhelmed.

06-05-19, 01:35
Hi people.

This is my first post here. I just really need to get something off of my chest.

so without going into too much detail, I am in a situation where I am going to have to continue working in a job that I despise, for the next foreseeable. I cannot afford to not do it, and that is really making me feel trapped.

What is making it worse is that today something happened with someone I work with, meaning that tomorrow is going to be extremely awkward for me. I am dreading it so much, and I am in bed now with knots in my stomach.

I basically feel like a complete idiot, I'm embarrassed, angry, and I feel so so stuck because of my finances.

I am nearly in tears through stress.

08-05-19, 15:09
Hey I don't know your exact situation but I hope that it wasn't as bad as your head told you it was.

08-05-19, 19:04
How you doing ?

I do hope that your day resolved itself better than you thought - if not, then post again and we can give some thoughts.

09-05-19, 05:12
I'm in exactly the same boat.
I have a beautiful home by the sea but in order to earn enough to keep it I have to live and work in a job I hate in an area I hate even more.
I've thought of selling but I couldn't go back to living anywhere else.
My only hope is the lottery.

14-05-19, 02:32
Hi everyone,
Things were not as bad as I thought they were, I am a lot calmer about it than I was last night week, I am kind of still stuck, but my mind is being rational this week.

Phil how are you doing now? Your quotes are fantastic by the way.

14-05-19, 03:03
Thanks Read
I'm still stuck but the way I look at it things can only get better from here.
I'm constantly looking for jobs close to home but most don't even bother to let you know either way.
Hopefully I'll jag one soon.:yesyes:

15-05-19, 00:51
I hope so for you, but in the mean time you can always keep hoping for that lottery win, you never know :-)

15-05-19, 01:39
Exactly :yesyes:

15-05-19, 21:59
Things were not as bad as I thought they were, I am a lot calmer about it than I was last night week,

Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed by 'something happened and I'm tied in knots about it', I remind myself that it is only today's 'news' and tomorrow it'll be yesterday's news.....what I mean is that the importance I am placing on it one day, will soon be gone. Time does sort things out and things are usually never as bad as we imagine.

16-05-19, 17:54
Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed by 'something happened and I'm tied in knots about it', I remind myself that it is only today's 'news' and tomorrow it'll be yesterday's news.....what I mean is that the importance I am placing on it one day, will soon be gone. Time does sort things out and things are usually never as bad as we imagine.

excellent post Carys... I think everyone should print this out and stick it on their fridge. What's that saying...'yesterday was the day I was worried about, the day before yesterday'.....

17-05-19, 01:32
This is beautiful........you are so right and this advice is something that I will remember, thank you <3

17-05-19, 19:42
Oh gosh, thanks guys :blush: I didn't think it that profound when I made it up, but cheers and glad it helped (it helps me )