View Full Version : No quality of life

06-05-19, 10:13
i don’t really know where to go to talk to someone so I’m back again. Getting a dr app is gold dust.
I am so fed up with my symptoms at the moment I just have no energy at all. I sit with no motivation staring into space sometimes. My other half is getting fed up with me and tbh I can’t be bothered with him either. I don’t want him touching me or even talking to me some days.
I just am so tired all the time. My whole body aches. Small tasks make my muscles and joints hurt. It all intensified around my period too. It’s like I’m just sat waiting for It to come. The hot flushes start and I feel sick and my tummy goes off too. I maybe get a week of feeling less intense symptoms but I’m never well.
ive had a whole raft of tests and nothing sinister has shown up. The only medication I take is having the copper coil in for contraception. I’ve had it a year now. I just feel like a much older person than I am. Every morning I get up as stiff as a board and hunched over like a knarled old lady. I’m absolutely miserable from it all and don’t know what to do next.

06-05-19, 12:34
From the post, I'm wondering is there a bigger issue going on here than just anxiety. Certainly, you don't report any symptoms which I think would benefit from investigation (perhaps the flushing, but you've had tests, presumably for that).

Are you unhappy with your relationship? I was, until August 2018, in a relationship which then ended that month after 3.5 years. And I know towards the end, I felt the same way - that is, I didn't want to be intimate and even the smallest of things annoyed me. This then caused arguments, and I noticed I was more anxious and unhappy in other areas of my life as well... Following the break up, I slowly but surely became happier in other areas of my life. So it may be worthwhile asking yourself "are you happy?" in your relationship, because that can have a massive "knock on" effect...

Good luck

06-05-19, 12:45
Thank you for your reply and can see why you are saying that. But I think a lot of the problem is me and how I feel. For more than two weeks a month a feel like this with a temporary respite. I’ve had painful breasts now for five days and I’m not due my period for another week. The pain this month has been something else. My elbows feel like my arms have been ripped apart. I’m just so stiff and achy every single day. I’m my late thirties but feel more like I’m in my sixties.

06-05-19, 13:09
I think it's time to speak to your GP about pain relief and possibility of fibromyalgia because your symptoms do match some of mine, especially pain and stiffness in morning. There are specific tender points which can diagnose the condition and your GP might refer you to a rheumatologist if necessary.

Of course your symptoms could still be idiopathic and related to your high anxiety levels/mood, so treating the anxiety and getting it under control is still vital action.

06-05-19, 13:13
Are there any tests for fibromyalgia KK77?

06-05-19, 13:18
There are specific tender points which can diagnose the condition and your GP might refer you to a rheumatologist if necessary.

No other tests apart from above that I know of. Sometimes blood levels of CK (creatine kinase) might be high but not a reliable test.

06-05-19, 14:31
I shall persevere in getting another appointment and discussing it further. I think I’m going to have this coil taken out too. A couple of people have suggested it may be an issue but when I mentioned it to the dr she dismissed it would be that causijgvahy issues as it doesn’t contain hormones. I just know that this pain came on two weeks after I had it put in.