View Full Version : Brain zap feeling ?

06-05-19, 22:15
I've been having this feeling if constant pressure in my head, from the moment I wake up onward. even in my sleep. My head feels super tight and full, my ears feel full, there's always an aching and a couple times a day I get this quick sudden shock, like lighting or a brain zap. My neck also hurts. When I lay down it seems worse, everything gets really tight and it feels like someone is inside my brain pushing down as hard as they can.
I had an MRI and ct as I am paranoid it's a tumor or aneurism or something. they couldn't find anything. They said its probably anxiety. I just dont know how it could be?
My head hurts ALL DAY.
Please share your opinions! The zaps are the scariest.

06-05-19, 22:31
Have you read this:


08-05-19, 19:54
Yeah thank you :) that helps. Its very stressful Haha I feel my whole head going numb at time.