View Full Version : Vitamin Deficiency From Acid Reducing Drugs

06-05-19, 22:55
Hi everyone,

I've been searching the web but can't seem to get an answer about how to take vitamins while taking acid reducing drugs for GERD?

I know I am deficient in B6 and D so does anyone else have advice as to when I should take my vits?

Should I take them before or after the acid reducing drugs?

Also, how soon before or after should I take the vits?


06-05-19, 23:01
Can you not ask a doctor or pharmacist?

06-05-19, 23:10
There is plenty of evidence to suggest that taking PPI's (etc) are not good for your health long term. They are effectively treating one of the symptoms, but exacerbating the original problem.

One ancient remedy that seems to work (worked for me) is using apple cider vinegar. There are hundreds of videos about it on Youtube.

Reflux is caused by too little acid, not too much.

06-05-19, 23:31
I am scared to try that Joe because of the possible extreme flare up.

Thanks for the tip Nicola.

06-05-19, 23:52
Ok well my take on it is this.

I discovered after a lengthy, prolonged amount of research that most of your immune system is found in the gut. By taking PPI's (or any acid reducing medication) you are significantly changing the way your body absorbs nutrition, and therefore altering your gut biome. Furthermore, it's widely understood now that low stomach acid allows all types of bacteria to flourish more, as stomach acid is extremely acidic it tends to act as a natural antibiotic. The effects won't be felt for months/years though.

The causes of reflux are actually thought to be because of low stomach acid in the first place, as the valve that closes the stomach off isn't triggered because stomach acid is too low, allowing it to travel back upwards. ACV triggers it to close again, thereby solving the issue. It took about 2-3 weeks for it to solve my reflux, which was so bad I was losing my voice and struggling to breath.

Nothing will work however, without a change of diet. I can't eat pizza every night and expect ACV to work. You still have to be mindful of triggers.

You may well have a flare up, but it's only a transient issue until the ACV works.

It needs to be a good one with 'mother' in it too. No, really....

bin tenn
07-05-19, 02:51
I take a PPI (Pantoprazole 20mg, was 40mg), and had a Vit D deficiency last June/July at my physical. My doc told me to take an OTC supplement, and that's also when she reduced the 40mg PPI to 20mg. She said she'd rather get me off of them due to suggested (proven?) links to ailments in the long term. So she eventually wants me off of it altogether. I didn't realize, however, that there was a link between PPIs and Vit D deficiency.

07-05-19, 09:42
If you have to take an acid suppressant, then Zantac (Ranitidine) is the best way to go or better still Gaviscon Dual (liquid or tablets). You can actually wean yourself off PPI's by using this regime ie PPI then Zantac then Gaviscon.

I agree that low stomach acid can cause all sorts of stomach symptoms, so a natural supplement like BioCeuticals Intestamine is a good option. It actually works to normalise stomach acid https://www.bioceuticals.com.au/product/preview/Intestamine It's an excellent product.

07-05-19, 15:53
If you have to take an acid suppressant, then Zantac (Ranitidine) is the best way to go or better still Gaviscon Dual (liquid or tablets). You can actually wean yourself off PPI's by using this regime ie PPI then Zantac then Gaviscon.

I agree that low stomach acid can cause all sorts of stomach symptoms, so a natural supplement like BioCeuticals Intestamine is a good option. It actually works to normalise stomach acid https://www.bioceuticals.com.au/product/preview/Intestamine It's an excellent product.

Thanks WM. I actually take Zantac now as PPIs had side effects for me. I was doing good with getting off Zantac as I had myself down to 75mg every other day, but then my diet went to crap and I am back to 150 once a day and I am having some issues after this weekend so I have been taking one at night and one in the morning. I have started the ACV regimen last night and I am a little acidy right now but I am hoping this will be temporary. I go for endoscopy in August and am a little concerned because my diaphragm hurts and now my back and side of my right ribs is very tight and I have a feeling that my relfux caused this but my Dr thinks it is muscle related.