View Full Version : Pancreatic Cancer !!!!!!! So scared to die.

always scared
07-05-19, 03:14
:weep: I am in such a state right now. I can't do anything but focus on my horrible symptoms! I know for sure I have cancer this time. I have ALL the symptoms of it. I'm 53 and going through perimenopause . My anxiety is through the roof. I've had health anxiety all my life . But this time I fear I am right with my diagnoses. I'm the right age I have all of the symptoms.
I'm absolutely terrified. I'm too terrified to go to the hospital to get diagnosed. If I already having pain symptoms I'm already dead. There is NO CURE for Pancreatic Cancer!!!
So I don't know what I should do. Should I just wait it out and die from it naturally in a few months or go get diagnosed. Either way I'm dead. The fear itself is going to KILL me one way or another. With or without a diagnoses. If I didn't have children that still needed me I think I would just give up and just die. My brain is so messed up. The panic attacks that I have all through the night about this is killing me too. I'M SO BLOODY SCARED!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!!!

07-05-19, 07:22
Hi - alwaysscared. You haven’t given us much to go on, but statistically you are very unlikely to have pancreatic cancer. There are plenty of benign reasons for abdominal pain, but some of those do need treating (gallstones for example). Why don’t you go to the doctor and take it from there? Xx

always scared
07-05-19, 10:08
Hi - alwaysscared. You haven’t given us much to go on, but statistically you are very unlikely to have pancreatic cancer. There are plenty of benign reasons for abdominal pain, but some of those do need treating (gallstones for example). Why don’t you go to the doctor and take it from there? Xx

My symptoms are : I don't really have abdominal pain just left sided mid back pain just below my shoulder that radiates to my side. Sometimes I have mild discomfort in my sternum and vague upper abdominal fullness around my liver. I have very gassy diarrhea, burping all the time. I have no right sided pain so it can't be gallstones

07-05-19, 10:13
Honestly, that could be anything up to and including indigestion. I know health anxiety is evil, but jumping straight to the worst case scenario is irrational.

Are you getting any help for your anxiety?

07-05-19, 10:25
My symptoms are : I don't really have abdominal pain just left sided mid back pain just below my shoulder that radiates to my side. Sometimes I have mild discomfort in my sternum and vague upper abdominal fullness around my liver. I have very gassy diarrhea, burping all the time. I have no right sided pain so it can't be gallstones

Oh well, looks like I must have it too then.

Your symptoms are both vague AND common.

Go out for a walk and stop diagnosing yourself with the internet.

07-05-19, 16:01
To be honest - I too share all the symptoms you have listed. I also worried about pancreatic cancer and eventually paid for a private mri (no pancreatic cancer). Could be IBS, could be SIBO, could be indigestion. How long have you been feeling this way?

07-05-19, 16:25
My symptoms are : I don't really have abdominal pain just left sided mid back pain just below my shoulder that radiates to my side. Sometimes I have mild discomfort in my sternum and vague upper abdominal fullness around my liver. I have very gassy diarrhea, burping all the time. I have no right sided pain so it can't be gallstones

Pain in pancreatic cancer is not located just right under the shoulder. I have been reading like crazy about this disease and it symptoms. Do they come and go? Have they lasted for a long time? Do you have jaundice? Is your stools floating white? Is your urine dark as coffee?
What you describe sounds like unpleasant stomach discomfort that many of us experience; but most people who suffer these discomforts does not have pancreatic cancer. Still, the fear of the absolute worst case scenario should not scare you from seeking out a doctor. It is probably not PC but it may be something that is very treatable but then you should go have it checked out.

07-05-19, 16:34
All the symptoms of pancreatic cancer are also the symptoms of about a hundred different benign maladies. Also, cancer doesn't come and go. You get sick, then you get sicker and sicker and sicker. You use the word "sometimes" far too often for someone who has cancer.

You also just described the main symptoms of GERD, IBS, and the big one, Anxiety.

always scared
07-05-19, 16:37
Yes my pain comes and goes :scared15: paranoid-viking (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?76632-paranoid-viking)

07-05-19, 16:57
my pain comes and goes :scared15:

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

​Positive thoughts

07-05-19, 16:57
Yes my pain comes and goes :scared15: paranoid-viking (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?76632-paranoid-viking)

Do you think because you are Canadian, and the fact that Alex Trebec has it might have made you go to this place? I ask because maybe you heard about it and now have jumped to worst case scenario due to hearing the news about Alex Trebec?

07-05-19, 17:15
Yes my pain comes and goes :scared15: paranoid-viking (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?76632-paranoid-viking)

Then...not cancer. But go to the doc and check it out. Then you may get help for the unpleasant pain you describe.

07-05-19, 17:16
All the symptoms of pancreatic cancer are also the symptoms of about a hundred different benign maladies. Also, cancer doesn't come and go. You get sick, then you get sicker and sicker and sicker. You use the word "sometimes" far too often for someone who has cancer.

You also just described the main symptoms of GERD, IBS, and the big one, Anxiety.

I had GERD for....maybe about 20 years. I recognise lots of these symptoms.

always scared
07-05-19, 17:49
Do you think because you are Canadian, and the fact that Alex Trebec has it might have made you go to this place? I ask because maybe you heard about it and now have jumped to worst case scenario due to hearing the news about Alex Trebec?

It doesn't help with my symptoms when I hear about it all the time on the news :weep:

07-05-19, 17:55
I'm having issues like you and have had them for over a year, and I am not worried about PC, and like others have said, your symptoms are indicative of something other than PC. There is a ton of non life threatening reasons for your symptoms, so play the odds on this one and try to relax.

always scared
07-05-19, 17:57
I had GERD for....maybe about 20 years. I recognise lots of these symptoms.

That's what I thought I had for the longest time. I've had mid back pain for years on and off but now it's mostly on my left side of my back and now that's a PC symptom :( I also have lump in my throat feeling all the time. Post nasal drip and I'm always clearing my throat. I am now a total basket case :scared10::weep: Gassy bloaty diarrhea is not a gerds symptom so now i'm back to PC

07-05-19, 18:55
That's what I thought I had for the longest time. I've had mid back pain for years on and off but now it's mostly on my left side of my back and now that's a PC symptom :( I also have lump in my throat feeling all the time. Post nasal drip and I'm always clearing my throat. I am now a total basket case :scared10::weep: Gassy bloaty diarrhea is not a gerds symptom so now i'm back to PC

There's no doubt your spiraling. That said, based on what you've shared and the tens of thousands of similar threads here, this sounds like classic GERD, globus and IBS exasperated by anxiety with a good dose of Dr. Google and catastrophizing. Diet and meds can help with the symptoms but are you getting any help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

08-05-19, 15:52
That's what I thought I had for the longest time. I've had mid back pain for years on and off but now it's mostly on my left side of my back and now that's a PC symptom :( I also have lump in my throat feeling all the time. Post nasal drip and I'm always clearing my throat. I am now a total basket case :scared10::weep: Gassy bloaty diarrhea is not a gerds symptom so now i'm back to PC

Lump in throat is not a PC symptom at all, but it is a very very classical anxiety symptom. Clearing the throat has nothing to do woth the pancreas either; I mean how could it?

08-05-19, 17:24
That's what I thought I had for the longest time. I've had mid back pain for years on and off but now it's mostly on my left side of my back and now that's a PC symptom :( I also have lump in my throat feeling all the time. Post nasal drip and I'm always clearing my throat. I am now a total basket case :scared10::weep: Gassy bloaty diarrhea is not a gerds symptom so now i'm back to PC

I didn’t see if you’ve seen a doctor about your symptoms?
Do you ever take antacids?

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always scared
09-05-19, 20:38
Having an other panic attack about PC . I'm really scared . I just can't shake it off. I am so terrified to go to the doctors. I probably wont go and suffer in silence. I just can't go cause this time I'm so sure I'm really sick and I just can't deal with a correct diagnoses.
I know I'm being a big pain in the ass and I"m so sorry . I just need to tell someone what's going on in my head.
This mid back pain on the left side is so scary. I feel so alone and scared.

always scared
09-05-19, 22:48
To be honest - I too share all the symptoms you have listed. I also worried about pancreatic cancer and eventually paid for a private mri (no pancreatic cancer). Could be IBS, could be SIBO, could be indigestion. How long have you been feeling this way?

You are much braver than I am. I am absolutely terrified of tests (MRI CAT scans) That's what makes my HA so bad. I will not go for tests. In my messed up brain all tests will come back bad.
I don't think normally since I lost my son to cancer. So you see I'm terrified of scans and tests

always scared
09-05-19, 23:27
Thank you to everyone who tried to help me feel better. You guys are great!!!
I am still convinced that I have PC and I'm just going to wait it out and see what happens. My reasoning is IF i do have it there's really no reason to confirm it. There is no cure for it. I'm already dead.
Thank you again everyone for trying to reason with me but I think i'm really broken this time.

10-05-19, 00:36
"Told Ya So Gang" on standby :winks:

Positive thoughts

always scared
10-05-19, 03:05
OMG :ohmy: I really need to stop reading all the posts on here about other peoples worries of PC. :wacko::scared15: Reading some other posts hoping for some reassurance and I'm walking away more scared than EVER!!!!! WTF I didn't realize that there were so many people on here that had family members die of PC. NOW I'm aware of more symptoms and it just happens to be symptoms I already have. How wonderful :scared15: So what's going to kill me first the PC or the horrifying fear my brain and body is going through right now.

10-05-19, 07:51
The fear can not kill you, it just feels truly awful. I completely understand your fear to not have tests etc I’m an avoider too.

What about a telephone appointment or home appointment with a gp? The likelihood is they wouldn’t need to run tests and you can feel better! Also talk to them about how you’ve been feeling, they can help.

Positive vibes,


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-05-19, 08:23
Hi Always Scared,

I know it's probably not going to be much assistance to you, however, most people I know with Health Anxiety experience similar symptoms.
Even myself, at the age of 21, had these symptoms for 2 years, and every time my health anxiety rears its ugly head it comes back.

In general, if your anxiety level is high and you're stressing yourself out, your digestive system will take some kind of hit.
Think, for example, if you were going for a job interview for your dream job or just about to take an extremely important exam, it's the same thing.

How long have you had these symptoms?
Do you notice a pattern as to when it 'comes and goes'?
Try to make notes of when you are feeling most anxious about it, and what is happening or has happened that day and see if you can find a link

always scared
10-05-19, 11:39
I had the worst night every waking up every hour in a cold sweet shaking. I have no energy to get out of bed

10-05-19, 11:42
I know it's tough, but get up, have a hot drink and a bite of breakfast. Low blood sugar will do horrible, horrible things to your anxiety.

always scared
11-05-19, 14:09
Why is it that when you are going through a very bad HA episode you see it EVERYWHERE!!! I am so scared right now of Pancreatic cancer . I have so many symptoms of it and I'm so sure I have it. :scared15:
I keep seeing it everywhere and hearing about everywhere. Every time I calm myself down I hear someone talking about it and saying so so just got diagnosed last week or I go on celebrity social media sites and hear about another person being diagnosed. WTH!! This is so crazy!!!! Are these signs??
God when will this end :scared15::weep:

11-05-19, 14:21

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

always scared
02-01-21, 18:42
My symptoms are : I don't really have abdominal pain just left sided mid back pain just below my shoulder that radiates to my side. Sometimes I have mild discomfort in my sternum and vague upper abdominal fullness around my liver. I have very gassy diarrhea, burping all the time. I have no right sided pain so it can't be gallstones

The pain is BACK! The pain in my mid back left side is back. It started on New Years eve and hasn't gotten better yet. Thought it was because I had too much to eat and Im also on Amoxicillin for a toothache but it's not getting better. I feel it when I move. It hurts when I lie down . I swear i can feel it when I swallow too. I was hoping it was acid reflux but I have no burning and nexium is not helping :scared15:

03-01-21, 02:38
I’ve had same issues in flares for years now, seems to go on for 2-3 months and then after tests all clear goes away, only to come back in year or two. I’m unfortunately back in a flare now, and again scared of pancreatic cancer. At start of 2019 had confirmed pancreatitis attack which fuelled my fears even more but at that point had had clear ultrasound, mri and CT and also clear endoscopic ultrasound. A few months later I also had bone scan because the pain in back and ribs so bad. All was fine. Does seem to play up when my IBS plays up. Had thoracic spine MRI couple of months ago, all fine. Going on medication to treat fibromyalgia and anxiety in a couple of weeks once the anitriptyline gets out my system. Hoping that helps. Just wanted to reply to let you know you’re not alone!

03-01-21, 07:07
The pain is BACK!

Given that you started this thread a year and a half ago - are you seriously still thinking that you have pancreatic cancer? :huh:

always scared
18-01-21, 17:28
Having such a bad day so far. I am so convinced that I have cancer and slowly dying. I've had lower one-sided back pain every morning for a year now. It's really bad in the morning when I wake up. I can't stand up straight. It's only on my right side and sometimes it wraps around my hip and into my pelvic area like where my ovaries would be. :scared15:

18-01-21, 17:30

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

18-01-21, 17:31
so does the pain last all day?

always scared
18-01-21, 17:45
so does the pain last all day?

It gets better as the day goes on but returns every morning But there has been days where it did lasted all day.

always scared
18-01-21, 17:58
I was just wondering why you merged it with thread? It's about lower back pain and not about my pancreas fear

18-01-21, 17:59
so there is something you are doing overnight that is causing it.

I wake up every day without fail with a bad lower back and can hardly walk, then once up and about the pain reduces. Sometimes it doesn't though and I have back ache on and off all day. I have never once thought about cancer, just old age, a bad back, not sleeping well etc.

How can it be cancer that only causes you concern overnight?

19-01-21, 13:52
Look into Splenic Flexure Syndrome. I've not read the whole thread so it might have been mentioned. It certainly won't be pancreatic cancer if you've had it as long as you say.

19-01-21, 14:04
Having such a bad day so far. I am so convinced that I have cancer and slowly dying. I've had lower one-sided back pain every morning for a year now. It's really bad in the morning when I wake up. I can't stand up straight. It's only on my right side and sometimes it wraps around my hip and into my pelvic area like where my ovaries would be. :scared15:

Cancer doesn't do shifts AS. My dad had cancer and he couldn't sleep for the pain, also his night sweats drenched the bedding and mattress..

What you're describing sounds muscular and could be down to something as simple as your mattress.

Don't wish to offend, but I'm intrigued by your avatar and username. Do you think this visual reminder of anxiety and fear is helpful? (genuine question)

You've basically had every cancer going in your 3 pages of threads from 2008 until now - and the latest one is pancreatic cancer. Have to say, my wheelie bin has more chance of having PC than you do - going on your 'symptoms', but I do understand how convincing (to us) health anxiety can be..

Have you had any therapy for your HA?

always scared
30-04-21, 03:02
So I am back to this fear once again! Ugg :weep: Same symptoms as before mid back pain around my shoulder blades mostly on my left side though. I'm also having a lot of shoulder and neck pain too. I hate living like this. I'm also still worried about als. My god my life is such a mess.