View Full Version : Worrying about everything

07-05-19, 14:00
I don’t know what type of anxiety I have but I’ve been reading some posts here and wonder if this is it ..
In the last few months I’ve worried I’ve had throat cancer, a brain tumour, a heart defect... I’ve worried that my partner is cheating or is going to cheat (with no reason for it).. I’ve started having panic attacks at work which is new so I know this is getting worse. But I’m too scared to go and get something to help from my doctor, even tho I feel like I need it.. because I’m worried that the tablets will kill me by slowing my heart too much..
I’ve also had tension headaches all week that I’ve been back and forth thinking it’s a brain tumour.
I’ve got shoulder and neck strain that I think is from anxiety aswell 😩

07-05-19, 14:15
There are more solutions than just tablets. Why not go to your GP and see if they can refer you for therapy?