View Full Version : Funny feelings in chest...

12-09-07, 09:01
Hey y'all, hope you are all well.

Recently I've been sufferring from a bit of a funny chest.

I'm feeling like little bumps and sensations when I breathe in and out and it's so tight...

And my stomach is constantly making bubbling noises and I can feel them too.

Got the shakes going on aswell. I've been eating well ( been abroad and pigged out!!) so can't be beacuse of lack of food energy.

I know it's written in all the info packs that this is common, just wanted to hear from an actual person that this is all normal.


12-09-07, 09:27

Know it's easier said than done but i wouldn't worry about it too much:winks:

I'm no DR but it sounds like a build up of acid to me
How long ago was it you went away and pigged out:D could it be you just weren't used to the food and it's left you feeling a bit iffy??

You don't have to take this advise, but if it was me then the first thing i'd try is a bottle of gavisgon regualrly for a few days and see if that helps:yesyes:

12-09-07, 09:30
hi ive bin up most of the night with the same its awful i realy understaand how you feel it is anxiety ive been told i panicked with it that much i started sweating and having burning sensations in my arms try not to worry you are not alone with it take care elaine xxxx

12-09-07, 09:59
thanks for the replies dudes.

i'm now experiencing a burning sensation on my right side rib. it feels bruised and hurts when i inhale. its slowly working its way towards the right side of my chest..

any ideas??

12-09-07, 10:17
hi try taking deep breaths and also have a glass of cold water my doctor tld ne breath in and out of a paper bag hope ive been some use to you take care elaine

12-09-07, 10:56
When we suffer from anxiety we tend to magnify every heart beat, pain, burp or any seemingly normal body sensation. 99.9% there is a rational explanation for it but as always if you are unsure check out with your doctor and then start to take control of it via counselling and maybe medication if required.

I have a pain in my back and have felt sick for days but its just the start of a flu, yet I had it down as something worse and that thought still comes but I need to calm and just relax and tell myself its ok

Its never easy but you will get alot of support on this site

take care

12-09-07, 16:56

I ended up in the A&E as advised by my doctor.

Had and ECG and an X-Ray and they found zippo.

Said it must have been muscle tension over the past few days and I'm now starting to feel it.

TBF I feel much better now.

Case closed.