View Full Version : Squeezing in chest

07-05-19, 23:51
Hey folks,
I’m just curious if anyone else has this symptom before during or after they have a panic attack. The other day I was walking with my partner and I got this intense squeezing feeling in my chest that lasted less than 10 seconds. As I kept walking I started feeling really awful and my arms and legs got all rubber feeling. I didn’t have any pain though. Then I noticed my heart rate was like 160.

I should say about 7 years ago I had the halter monitor, many ekgs and a stress test and everything was fine - but I’m curious if anyone else has had that squeezing feeling in your chest?


08-05-19, 11:53
I have but it was because of a reaction I took to anti-depressants,I would get that checked out.

08-05-19, 21:11
I have but it was because of a reaction I took to anti-depressants,I would get that checked out.

I second that.
Get your Dr to check it out just to rule out anything bad.

09-05-19, 14:20
Thanks folks - I made a dr. apt for Monday at 10. I expect it’s all just anxiety but you’re right - when it comes to the ticker you can’t really take any chances.

15-05-19, 14:35
Hey all,

I wanted to follow this through so people could get a sense of the process. So the Dr. Apt was great - he said it all sounds stress related and the racing heart doesn’t concern him. I told him I was 80% sure it was anxiety but 20% unsure and when the panic attacks hit that 20% turns to 100% because I’m in full panic mode. And if I could get the ‘ok’ from the Doctor then I could have conclusive proof it’s anxiety and be 100% sure. So he met me in the middle and ordered some bloodwork along with an ecg which I finished this morning. I expect it will all come back fine because he said my blood pressure was fantastic and my heart sounded fine.

We will see what the tests bring but like I said, I’m not worried. Now it’s just time to do some self care, get back into my mindfulness and mediations and allow the symptoms to flow over me like a wave without letting the anxiety take control. I’ll be going to see my therapist at the end of June (she’s a busy lady but I don’t want to move therapists because we connect so well together). Until then I’ll be using the cbt techniques she has taught me to this point.

To make this a more productive thread for all of us, and because it’s helpful to go through some refreshers for those in panic mode, what kinds of coping techniques do people use to ride through their panic?

Currently, I do thought records (Mind over Mood is an exceptional book) and this period of anxiety I’m really trying to sit with the symptoms and not let them control my emotions. Anyway - what about other people?

15-05-19, 16:58
I'm glad it was good news.

After coping with SA on my own for 40 odd years it finally got the better of me and I had a meltdown now I need to use diazepam to stop it getting to point where I can't cope again but I only take it when I really really need to,because I'm on disability I'm not in that many situations where I can't cope with it.
For just my normal anxiety I listen to music watch my fave dvd's and when it's really bad I spend the day at the beach and calm myself down,good in the summer but not so good in the winter lol.

16-05-19, 01:26
Great news Scooter :yesyes: