View Full Version : Having a really bad time: bladder,kidney,women issues

08-05-19, 15:24
Hi everyone. I just want to preface this with what I知 doing for my OCD and health anxiety, because I know this question will be asked. I知 currently looking for a therapist to continue therapy from where I left off before college graduation. I was on lexapro, worked great but too much weight gain, got off, tried Vybrid which was a trip to hell, got off, my psychiatrist is ignoring me so I知 looking for a new one, I知 currently just using CBD oil to cope with panic attacks and ssri withdrawal until I can get back on track

That being said...here痴 my latest spiral. So I had really bad lower abdominal pain about a month ago, went to Dr, UTI, took keflex, went through a whole scare about cdiff. I still continued to have pelvic pressure and lower abdominal pain even after a second test showed negative for UTI. I was just on so much discomfort so I filled a old prescription for Macrobid without seeing my doctor( I did this because the mother of my doctor, who is one of the doctors at their small practice, shamed me and discriminated against me for being a lesbian and I was sobbing. Her daughter( my doctor) was trying to save face and make excuses for her. I知 still shaken up from it.

So. The symptoms went away with the macrobid, but now my urine stings and sometimes has bubbles or a tiny bit of froth?? I知 also having pretty weak stream and just idk I feel like my muscles down there aren稚 emptying my bladder enough? Could this be anxiety induced? I feel like when I pee I have to brace for impact because I知 so paranoid and also TMI, my vulva area is all red, irritates, and burning. Now I did have a lot of discharge weeks ago from the Keflex, and I heard yeast infections can cause painful urination, so maybe I have that??? Idk I知 panicking that the UTI was resistant to 2 antibiotics and that my kidneys are in trouble. Or that I have bladder cancer or whatever. I知 just in a lot of burning pain and want this figured out. I have an appointment with a new doctor today so I値l see if we池e a good fit for each other. I知 just really scared and stressed and I know deep down that I shouldn稚 be so paranoid but without meds I知 just spirialling. I知 getting back into my compulsions and I don稚 like it.

08-05-19, 18:22
Good luck with the new doctor, sounds like a good idea to try a different one. Let us know what they say about the anxiety and bladder symptoms.

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09-05-19, 14:04
Update. So I like the new doctor. She seems cool. So they found traces of blood in my urine so that痴 getting sent for further testing. I asked about my kidneys and the nurse and doctor don稚 think my kidneys are it. Dr suspects yeast infection or maybe bacterial vaginitis? I知 waiting on the swab. I知 still scared that maybe I have a super bad bladder infection but idk I値l wait on the results. I mean if I was really messed up, the doctor would be a little more concerned right?

10-05-19, 05:13
Yes they壇 be more concerned. I知 sure you値l be fine, it痴 the nature of anxiety for us to fear the worst.

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13-05-19, 14:01
So I知 getting that lower abdominal tension and pain again but I知 starting to think it痴 from stress and anger? The pain comes or gets worse when I fight with my parents or when I get angry. Maybe I知 tending the muscles down there? Because I doubt I知 having a perpetual bladder infection.

14-05-19, 14:40
So my tests came back negative for yeast but positive for strep b in my urine. I was in the middle of antibiotics when this happened so my doctor thinks the infection might already be knocked out. But she痴 sending me to the lab to test again( but I知 still waiting on the lab referral) I知 just tired of the waiting game and super anxious about everything. I知 starting to have symptoms again but idk if it痴 anxiety

14-05-19, 22:53
So I got the lab paper but my doctor forgot the urine test and only put blood work. And now I知 freaking out that this issue is never going to get solved and spread to my kidneys. I just want to know if this UTI is gone but I also don稚 want my doctor to get annoyed with me. I知 just really impatient right now and want this revolved so I stop worrying