View Full Version : Head Pain when I move my head/neck

08-05-19, 20:15
Hi, I have been suffering with a pain in my (top, left side) when I tilt my head or neck. It can be very painful. I went to the doctors yesterday and he felt that it could be a trapped nerve in my neck plus he said I had sinusitis. He gave me confine for the pain but it is not touching the pain.
I can not get comfortable and lying down is so painful.
I even get the pain if I move the my eyebrows. My HA is in overdrive and I am worried and stressed, which is not helpful.
Has anyone had experience of this?
Thank you

08-05-19, 21:36
I'm really sorry you've not had replies yet, pain is very hard to deal with especially in the face. What is 'confine' ?

08-05-19, 22:09
Hi, I meant to say Codine. Thank you for your reply. The pain is on my head.

08-05-19, 22:13
Were you just given something for the pain and not something to clear and relieve the sinuses ? I know that sinus pain can refer to some odd places on the head and face....when I was younger I once had it referred right to the top of my head (oddly) ! This sounds incredibly miserable for you, if your pain isn't being relieved I would say you should go back tomorrow to be honest.

09-05-19, 16:24
The doctor is probably right about trapped nerve. I get migraines from TMJ irritating my neck and jaw. Try ice or heat around the back of your neck and a simple anti-inflammatory rather than codeine, which seen excessive. I usually take naproxen because it works well for pain and lasts 12 hours so I don't need to take so much.

09-05-19, 22:39
Hi, thank you for the replies. I went back to the doctors today and they said I have neuralgia as well.