View Full Version : Bleeding on the brain/start of stroke because of workout?

08-05-19, 21:18
Anxiety has hit sky high tonight and I don't know what to do.

Went to the gym as usual and was doing squats and after heavy one I felt lightheaded and sick, it was at the end of the session so I finished a bit early but was worrying cause my head felt a bit tight, I googled headaches from workout and it said you can have a stroke from lifting to heavy if breathing is incorrect so my anxiety rocketed and I started to think my eyesight was blurry, I calmed down a little and I felt a lot better for about an hour, I was still a tad anxious and got a slight sharp pain in my left temple, it has only done it 3 or 4 times and wasnt severe but I googled it and it said it could be a thunderclap headache which could be bleeding on the brain caused by physical activity, but I have noticed my jaw has been clenched where I have been worried could this cause pain in my head? I am convinced I have caused damage to my brain by lifting a heavy weight at the gym, should I be worried and get myself checked out?

I also have a slight bit of nausea which was a symptom of bleeding on the brain.

08-05-19, 22:01
Ok what would you do if you didn't have Dr Google to consult?

08-05-19, 23:20
That question really got me thinking and has actually calmed me down!
If it wasnt for google I would never of come across 'stroke while working out' which then led to me 'blurry vision' which went on to searching 'bleeding on the brain due to physical activity' which finally led to 'thunderclap headaches are start of something deadly' :doh:

I know now I may of overdone it in the gym and got light headed and google just caused my anxiety to spiral out of control with all these symptoms and thoughts!

I've had HA and been on these forums long enough to know the dangers of google :lac: but thank you for that question it really made me think and got me to think rationally!

08-05-19, 23:28
Back when I was into body building, I once did legs (squats) so hard that I puked and nearly passed out. It happens.

Positive thoughts

08-05-19, 23:54
Has been a number of times while I've been in the gym, I've worked so hard I've vomited, passed out, fall over (Okay this is alot but I used to struggled alot with my body and would way. way, way over do it.) But I'm still going and doing just fine! It was just in the moment type of things. Like Fishmanpa said it happens! I'm not trying to scare you! I know this sounds harsh?

09-05-19, 14:23
Consider how many people work out every day and how rare this sort of thing is. What about the powerlifters who go to the extremes?

You've just gone hard and heavy.

09-05-19, 22:02
Ok what would you do if you didn't have Dr Google to consult?

What a short, simple, profound, and EXCELLENT question! Good reminder to me!