View Full Version : Advise please

12-09-07, 15:38
Hi,I was having along talk with my mum today.Well in 1966 she lost a baby at five months,my little brother.This was in hospital.The baby was then taken away,which I understand they used to do this back then.This was in Slough.I have heard in Portsmouth they have a special place for babies that are stillborn.Does anyone know how I would find out what would have happend to my little brother,or where I would start to look.He wasnt even given a name,just taken away from mum and that was it.
This was in Upton hospital slough.I think deep down my mum wonders what happened,she thinks he was cremated.
Im really getting myself in a tizz today,Iv always know about my little brother but today for some reason I want to know what happend to him back then.
Sorry if it sounds a bit morbid.

12-09-07, 16:17
Hi Yorkylover,
So sorry to read your post and how much this is obviously affecting you hun,Trust me I do know the pain i lost my 1st daughter 19years ago last month at 38wks :-(

Not quite sure because of the timescale but I do know that you/ or your mum could try applying to the hospital for records, giving them as much info as you could.

Also you may want to have a look around SANDS website mabe some more suggestions on there too hun


Hope this helps a little if you need to chat please feel free to pm me anytime

Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers: :hugs:

12-09-07, 17:15
Thank you for your reply,I will try the website.Im so sorry to hear about your baby,it must have been terrible for you.
I know my mum has blanked some of it out,she cant remember the date or month she lost him,but remembers every detail of the sad day.She was 5months pregnant so they said it was a miscarraige,but she knows he was a boy.They just took him away and that was it.In the 60's thats what they did.Im not sure what they do today when you lose a baby that far into the pregnancy.
I suppose Im wondering if he would have been buried with other babies somewhere,does that sound daft.

12-09-07, 17:29
Im wondering if he would have been buried with other babies somewhere,does that sound daft.

No that most certainly doesnt sound daft hun, I really hope you can get some advice from sands, even maybe worth joining their forum as there is a special area for long ago bereaved and siblings section too.

Thinking of you and your mum :hugs: :hugs:
Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:

12-09-07, 19:54
Hi Ellen:hugs:

Not sure what county Slough is in but try the county records office they have all sorts of records!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

Or hospital records, crematirium records, church records

12-09-07, 21:47
My mom gave birth to a baby boy at 38 weeks. He only survived for a few hours. They did a PM which showed that his internal organs hadn't developed past the 6 month stage and he also had swelling on the brain.

My mom didn't even get to see him or hold him. He was taken away for buriel in a communal grave. This was also back in the 60's, in 1964.

Good luck with finding any information. I'm sure there must be records somewhere dating back to this time.


13-09-07, 12:48
Thank you for all your replies,you have given me some ideas to start with.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

13-09-07, 13:21
I have lived in the portsmouth area most of my life , I have never heard of anything ? Hope you get answers soon.

14-09-07, 13:15
Hi Mirry,this all happened in slough.But I heard they have a service somewhere in portsmouth for parents of still born babies.Where in Portsmouth are you?

I have got to contact the hospital where my mum lost the baby.But now thinking about it,they may tell me something I dont want to hear.So maybe its all best left alone.The baby wasnt still born,she lost him at 5 months,so it was a miscarraige.He wouldnt have been registerd or anything.So I think its going to be difficult.
I cant discuss this with my mum as Im scared of upsetting her,but if he did have a grave at least its piece of mind,but what if he hasnt.Its all really difficult.

14-09-07, 23:46
It is really difficult this one.... if it does get hard to find out what happened to your brother but want some sense of 'closure for your little brother' you could go and see a minister/vicar/priest etc.. at a church and tell them about what happened They would pray for him and perhaps you could plant something in rememberance of him and for little babies who died in the same generation leaving families behind wondering....

Good luck Ellen xxx