View Full Version : Anxiety has come back again and I'm very anxious everyday. How to get over this?

09-05-19, 19:06
I have been ok for about a month up until Sunday, then all of a sudden things changed and I started suffering from high levels of anxiety again. Monday I had a small panic attack and ever since I have had the after effect symptoms like heartburn/indigestion, racing heart, mild headache which felt like a tension one, slight pain, mainly to left side felt like a muscle pull or something, and also general aching and tightness in upper back and shoulders.

I went to the doctors today as I have almost run out of meds, so wanted to get more and increase my dosage to 60mg. She told me my blood pressure was a little high. The doctor did mention seeing a counsellor about my anxiety too. I went to the gym today for the first time in about 2-3 weeks and it felt good.

However, it did feel harder to workout than usual due to general fatigue from my anxiety. I got through it though and it was a relief to workout again. My pulse is still higher than usual, but I might shower and try relax by listening to radio. I don't know what else to do. My diet has been poor lately so maybe change that, but what else? Any advice?

09-05-19, 19:16
Any advice?

The doctor did mention seeing a counsellor about my anxiety too.

I went to the gym today for the first time in about 2-3 weeks and it felt good.

Positive thoughts

09-05-19, 20:50
Positive thoughts

It's frustrating because I remember my first panic attack and panic attacks since. However, every time one comes on I get chest issues and It sends me into anxiety about my heart. Like you say, I have to think positive but it's tough sometimes.

Thanks fishmanpa.