View Full Version : Anxiety is ruining my life at the moment. Need some advice.

10-05-19, 18:57
Hi guys. I didn't know where to post this exactly, so put it here. I used to suffer with anxiety a few years ago, but it returned after a stressful period in my life about a year ago. I had it under control (kind of) up until last week. Now it's back with a vengeance.

I have had a terrible week of it. I have resisted the urge to go to the hospital one night the past week as things got so bad. I was worried about my heart so much. I kept having palpitations and I was paranoid I could feel my heart beating irregularly.

I got back to normal a little the day after, but my anxiety was frustrating me. I thought I was calm during some days, but my heart rate was still high. I was getting cold extremities, especially in the fingers. I am still paranoid about my heart but things gave calm down a little.

It is just so horrible to deal with. I go to bed at night pretty relaxed (as much as I can) and then in the morning I wake up with anxiety feeling flustered, along with palpitations. It is very annoying. It is hard to keep calm though as it worries me, and that leads to more panic.

I am even scared to go to the gym lately as I worry about having a panic attack there. It's embarrassing because even gatherings and family get togethers have to be put on the back burner because at the moment I am socially anxious. I don't know the answer, but I am fed up with it. I could really use some advice.

10-05-19, 19:18
You need to continue with your regular life in spite of your anxiety. So feel the fear and still go to gym.

If you keep waiting to feel like going you will become house bound and depressed.

Life is uncertain and people with anxiety are looking for certainty. Some days will be better, some will be worse, but if you keep doing regular activities even while anxious you will be much better overall.