View Full Version : On and off worry (really starting to affect me)

10-05-19, 21:56
So hey guys, long time lurker, but new member here. I've been dealing with GAD for a number of years now and my doctor has attempted to control it, but its not really helped.

This begs the question of some more serious concerns that I've been having as of late and I'd really like some insight before I can get a drs appointment.

Last Monday, I woke up with what would be described as back pain that literally made me immobile. I could hardly move about with screaming in pain which was awful. Naturally, I go to the out of hours and get told "Its muscular" Rest and take brufen. The pain was radiating from my lower right back to my lower right side.

Moving on, I took docs advice and after a lot of brufen and rest, it cleared itself up somewhat. However, for the past couple of days since that cleared up, I've been dealing with an ache in my right testicle which seems like a radiation pain that comes from the groin/very low abdomen area too. Its very interchangeable and its not excruciating like that back pain. Its more of dull aches.

Along with this, I've also been dealing with the feeling that my bladder is just not there at all. Past few days I've been drinking litres of water to see if I get the normal bladder charecteristics saying "time to go, now", but I never does come. Funny thing is, when I go to the bathroom, I have no trouble peeing really tbh, there just isnt the urge/feeling like there always used to be.

Hoping there could be some insight here as this is really starting to have an adverse affect on me mentally and with the help of google which I've been told 1 million time to avoid I have natuarally diagnosed myself with Cuanas equida, testicle cancer, testicle torsion, liver cancer ( due to itching) and probably about 10 other things this past week.

Thanks everyone.

11-05-19, 00:39
Hi Rally. What sort of age are you? How long is it before your next doctors appt?

11-05-19, 08:58
Hi Rally. What sort of age are you? How long is it before your next doctors appt?

Hi there. I'm 25, and next appt will more than likely be thursday next week.

12-05-19, 01:59
I'm not able to offer any more info or insight but I hope everything goes okay for you! :bighug1: