View Full Version : Acid reflux not helped with meds.

11-05-19, 15:49
Hello folks. I have had acid reflux for years. Had endoscoy 7 years ago which was normal but last 2 years bad anxiety depression and menopause has seem my symptoms escalate. I have hd every symptom under the sun at some point from burning throat bloating constant burping lump in throat to trouble swallowing and now chest pain. I am currently awaiting a barium swallow. I have emetophobia which means i am terrified of vomiting or gagging. So im very troubled by my symptoms......feels like being sick without being sick.....and the tests needed to find out whais wrong. I found endoscopy taumatic as not sedated when I was assured I would be.....but no way I could tolerate 24 hr PH and manometry. I take 20 mg omeprazole and have done for 9 years but im not sure its effective. I also glug gaviscon like mad. Still no relief. Last night I took zantac too and still awake from 3am with acid creeping up my throat. I recently changed my diet for low acid diet and have lost some weight and am walking everyday and doing gentle weights. I have given up coffee and alcohol.....so WTF?? My symptoms seem worse than ever, mostly nighttime. I sleep with bed raised and propped up on 4 pillows which is a nightmare as I slip down in the night. Im very very scared and my anxiety was all but gone until these symptoms started to escalate. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Anyone else with these nighttime symptoms that don't respond to the meds? Its making me very miserable and has really stolen my life. I know I focus on symptoms and kind of magnify them, but this happens every night when I am sleeping which is different from normal anxiety symptoms. However I know I am totally obsessed with my gut sensations......Help! How do I get out of this cycle because doctors just give you more meds which also scare me to death. Thanks.

11-05-19, 15:59
What's your diet like?

Positive thoughts

11-05-19, 16:11
Diet is pretty good. I eat low carb only chicken and fish. lots of veg and salads. No fruit as causes worse acid. Lots of leafy greens. Recently stopped all alcohol, haven't drunk coffee for years, no chocolate no cakes etc. No take aways no fried foods. Pretty bland and boring. To be honest Im failry sure my acid isn't diet related. I have had it all my lfe but have had periods without it for long times. I feel its more of a mechanical issue and I think the stress over it makes things worse but its such a vicious circle.

11-05-19, 16:18
Yeah...I would speak with your doctor. Both my wife and I had the same issues for years. Took OTC PPIs and drank antacid like water to no avail. Doc put us on pantoprazole and we follow the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet. Even with your diet, there could be some foods causing issues. Also, portion size and time of day affects it. We've been good for a while now (except when we misbehave and eat stuff we know we shouldn't ;)). Could be as simple as that really. And yes, stress plays havoc with your digestive system.

Positive thoughts

26-06-19, 17:17
Have you been tested for H Pylori? Its just an overgrowth of a certain bacteria in your stomach and can cause extra acid production. I'm guessing since you've had an endoscopy that they've ruled out a hiatal hernia etc. Stress and anxiety can be a factor too.

24-07-20, 18:25
Hi did you ever get any answers ?, I'm going through exact same issues. Xx

24-07-20, 23:37
Me too, though I think mine is silent as I’m not feeling acid come up but getting a sensation in my throat and like a mild Sour flavour. Burping constantly, coughing, hoarseness at time’s, cannot swallow, clearing excess mucus from throat, which helps breathing. I’m also sleeping with four pillows and experience the same as you in I slide down. My tummy is bloated, makes noises, stools can sometimes stink, float or mark the pain - too much info I’m sure, my gas can also stink foul at times. I’m having an endoscopy waiting for the date.

25-07-20, 10:58
It could also be that you have low stomach acid, this can cause the same symptoms. In this case PPI's could be making it worse.
You could slowly come off the PPI (Omeprazole) and try a more natural approach. As FMP said, the FODMAP diet could help, so could:

*Eating a gluten free diet.
*Try 1 tsp apple cider vinegar in warm water when you wake up.
*Get some good digestive enzymes and take with your meals.
*A high dose Milk Thistle tablet is very good for digestion and your liver.

Liquid Gaviscon is still good but not the one with the acid suppressant. These measures definitely worth trying.

25-07-20, 11:46
Hi i already do all these things but nothing is helping xx

25-07-20, 12:29
Hi i already do all these things but nothing is helping xx

But you are still taking the PPI, so how do you know? The PPI is making your stomach produce zero acid.

25-07-20, 13:32
The ppi is not working anymore and I'm getting a lot of acid still. Xxxx

31-12-21, 19:40
I’ve had similar problems…been on 20 mg of omeprazole for years now, 6/7. Then June 2020 started with constant shocking throat pain.. cut to now and ent have said must be stomach contents damage… have a constant tight throat/ upper chest and coughing… I had a barium swallow today and health anxiety kicked in…. So I asked lots of questions… my dad died of misdiagnosed stomach cancer… all radiologist would say is that I still have a lot of acid, despite having taken my omeprazole before the swallow?….

anyone had similar or had answers from a barium swallow? How can I still have cid with omeprazole?

01-01-22, 09:48
Have read post , and hope you get this sorted out and find answers . My stomach is not great at moment and seems to be getting worse