View Full Version : Is cutting a mole an issue?

12-05-19, 08:54
Having cats can sometimes be dangerous apparently. One of my cats was resting on my belly when it got scared by some noise and it wanted to get away quickly. Now my belly looks like I was in a rambo move, with huge scratches all over.

One of the scratches went right through the middle of my flat benign mole and it bled like usual scratches do.

I have applied antiseptic to deal with possible infection but other than that, should I be concerned about this trauma turning benign mole into melanoma in the future?

12-05-19, 11:49
nope, no problem at all with the mole... no need to be concerned

12-05-19, 12:17
Agreed, this is a total non-issue.

12-05-19, 12:47
Thank you. Some of the sites were claiming that trauma caused by injury can turn otherwise benign mole into melanoma. Stupid internet.