View Full Version : Surprised by panic attack

12-05-19, 15:43
Hi everyone,

I know that a lot of us a probably surprised by these things, but this one came out of months of not having issues.

It’s not that I’m not having stress, but it had been a while since I had the strong physical symptoms of a panic attack.

As a background, we moved out of a terrible apartment back in September. In that apartment, there were so many issues including sewage flooding, crime, and finally fleas. The fleas were awful because it took a long time to get rid of them and someone in the building seemed to keep bringing them in. At first, we thought they were bed bugs.

As we moved into our first house, I’ve been so terrified that the fleas would hide in our stuff and invade. A full blown house invasion would be very difficult to fix. Since then, I’ve beeb so scared to have our house infested.

Anyway, my husband showed me these three bug bites on his arm this morning. I thought it was strange behavior for a spider or mosquito, so I googled “three insect bites in a row.” The search didn’t return fleas, but it did bring up bed bugs. Not long after that, I suddenly felt like my head was spinning. My ears started ringing and I felt this terrible sense of “something is terribly wrong!”

It seemed to go away after I called my husband into the room.

I’m just so scared about bed bugs.

12-05-19, 21:14
You're getting a bit of a thing about bugs. First thing to do is stop googling. How can the internet diagnose something it can't see?
can you get a pharmacist to look and see what they say. It's unlikely you have an infested house, that's just your anxiety talking.

i would say, worse case scenario get a new matress but I fear that would just feed the dragon.

17-05-19, 01:23
Thank you for replying. At this point, I’m trying not to think about it. If I notice anything else, maybe I’ll put some traps out. Oh boy :(

17-05-19, 14:59
If you had an infestation of bed bugs, or fleas, you'd know about. I had fleas from the cat and I was getting bit constantly.

We share our living space with lots of insects and bugs. It's that time of the year where they all seem to come alive. Don't sweat it. I've got a big spider sat in the corner of my room. He's causing no harm.