View Full Version : Pain in bladder really really frightened

12-05-19, 19:58
I’ve been having Cystitis trouble for a while on and off, I’ve been to the gp about it a few times. The last two weeks I’ve had a tiny bit of pelvic pain, slap bang right where your bladder is. I went to the go again and they sent my sample of to the hospital and it came back that I’ve had infection. They have me tablets, the pain in my bladder has been there on and off but today I thought it seemed better, I’ve just sat down and been struck down with an awful pain on the same spot. It feels like a contraction it’s that uncomfortable. I’m really frightened

12-05-19, 21:06
Maybe it will come and go for a while before it completely goes away. If you get really worried run it passed your Dr. I'm sure they will put your mind at rest.

12-05-19, 21:24
You have an infection. 1+1 = 2. Take your meds, drink plenty of fluids and have patience. It will resolve.

Positive thoughts

12-05-19, 22:12
Ring 111, if the pain is like a contraction, that isn't right for a simple UTI and could be something like a bladder stone. (they can cause repeated infections also, and you mention you've been back and forth about that a lot to the GP) Don't panic though, they are easily treated if it is that, by being 'broken apart'. I'm not a medical person of course, but to be honest what you are describing sounds like it should be assessed.