View Full Version : Lyme disease???

13-05-19, 17:57
So I posted something about tinnitus and week back. It’s worse in my left ear and when I touch that ear it crackles. I didn’t really get much replies so moved on a stopped worrying about it.

But just now someone commented saying they had the same crackling and it was Lyme disease. I looked up Lyme disease because I had no idea what it even was and it says it’s transferred by ticks but I’m pretty sure I’ve never been bitten by a tick. I could of just forgot tho.

I googled ear crackling to try find other reasons and calm my self and found another post about Lyme disease and now I’m so scared.

13-05-19, 19:15
So I just looked it up and there have been no reported cases of Lyme disease where I live. That’s not to say I haven’t been on holiday places though.

13-05-19, 19:25
You are googling too much and trying to find impossible reasons for things.

13-05-19, 19:32
Could you have an ear infection?
It’s very unlikely to be Lyme disease, as you’ve already worked out.

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13-05-19, 19:37
Ear infection? I mean possibly but I doubt it as it’s been going on years. I do have pretty bad allergies though, that cause my ears to constantly pop. I wake up every morning with a completely blocked nose. Thing is anti histamines don’t seem to help.

I also clench my jaw on that side.

13-05-19, 19:41
Have you not seen a doctor?

13-05-19, 19:41
Well, if its been going on years then it most certainly isn't Lyme's disease (which you would be feeling ill with) !!! Why are you looking for a reason that is so bizzarre, frankly. Runny nose, allergies, blocked eustachian tube, colds, even crying and sniffling can cause that ear crackling thing and not even a whiff of an infection for that matter. Mine have been like that my whole adult life from time to time, like weekly at some point, not helped by the fact that jaw clenching can make the eustachian tube block a bit.

13-05-19, 19:42
I can't see a post on here about this before.

13-05-19, 19:46
The post wasn’t on here it was in sub Reddit for tinnitus. Last week I posted about how my tinnitus was worse in one ear and that ear crackles when touched or due to loud noises. I totally forgot about it until someone commented today saying they had the same thing for years till they found out it was due to Lyme disease. Obviously I then got worried and stupidly googled and this has been reported in other people with Lyme disease too.

13-05-19, 19:55
...and you've picked up on one weeny little possible symptom......when you have none of these ?

(Picture of symptoms removed, as OP now convinced they have all of them due to Lymes)

Ticks don't just 'bite' by the way, they latch their head-parts into your skin and sit there taking blood to feast on for many days. You would KNOW if you'd had a tick attached to yourself, as you'd have had to remove it manually - and they aren't easy to remove either. Us pet owners often have to remove them from animals, even AFTER treating the pets with the darned stuff that is meant to stop them in their tracks. Arrghhh

13-05-19, 19:58
No I have several of those symptoms too, such as muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue, sleep problems, and more. I didn’t even wanna look up the other symptoms but now I guess I know 😫

13-05-19, 19:59
Actually I have pretty much all the symptoms on the chronic Lyme disease side so now I’m freaked out again.

13-05-19, 20:00
You know that looking symptoms up is a mug's game, yes.

13-05-19, 20:01
Ticks don't just 'bite' by the way, they latch their head-parts into your skin (burrow in) and sit there taking blood to feast on for many days. You would KNOW if you'd had a tick attached to yourself, as you'd have had to remove it manually - and they aren't easy to remove either, they can't just be brushed off they are like concreted on. Us pet owners often have to remove them from animals, even AFTER treating the pets with the darned stuff that is meant to stop them in their tracks. Arrghhh

If you'd have had Lyme's at the start of the illness you would have been very unwell.

13-05-19, 20:03
Well I’ve definitely never had anything like that bite me, so they definitely can’t just fall off if knocked?

13-05-19, 20:18
OH no, they DEFINITELY can't be knocked and fall off. They are often about half a cm across, sometimes smaller, sometimes larger. There are different species, but they all share the same characteristic of a huge body and tiny legs and head parts right at the front. Look up a picture if you wanna make your skin crawl, its would be like a freaky small smartie stuck to your leg lol As they fill with blood they get bigger and fatter. On the dogs you have to use a special tool to remove them, as they cling on with such force, with mouth parts buried under the skin, that if you pull them their heads and mouthparts break off the body and cause infection. Trust me, you'd see it on your legs (as that is where people can pick them up from brushing through grasses). My mum once had one on her leg and the age-old way to get them off use to be to coat them in vaseline or paraffin stuff, to suffocate them off. However, this still leaves them there a good while, so best to get a tick remover that slides under their front legs and head, work quickly and twist them off. They also tend to leave a lump where they are removed from. I guess you could accidentally knock the body off and separate the head somehow.....but you'd sure know about that...trust me, itd go manky.

13-05-19, 21:12
I feel a bit better now, the only time I can think of where I could of been bitten would of been when I went camping in France 10 years ago but I don’t recall anything like that. I’m just struggling to get the thought of being bitten and not noticing as I was kid out my mind

13-05-19, 21:35
You still seem to be imagining its something you could not notice -you don't 'get bitten', its not like an ant which then dashes off unseen. It attaches to your skin, puts feeding parts into your flesh and needs removal. You couldn't FAIL BUT NOTICE! You would have run screaming to someone that something was stuck to your leg lol Or you would have noticed 12 hours or a day later, as the buggers DON'T COME OFF. Well, they do after about a week once they are full of blood. Not all ticks carry Lyme's anyway, most don't. However, it is likely you would have had flu like symptoms quite badly some time afterwards and developed a large circular rash where you were bitten. I remove them from hedgehogs in the garden too, all the time, and they aren't easy to do. (though after hundreds over the years I can do it fast and effectively now, what a skill to possess lol)

You would have been ILL at the time, quite ill, and by now you'd have all sorts of long-term symptoms that were quite severe as you'd had no anti-biotic treatment.

13-05-19, 22:01
You still seem to be imagining its something you could not notice -you don't 'get bitten', its not like an ant which then dashes off unseen.

Its a kin to the notorious rabid ninja bat or other animal :wacko: There's just no way you wouldn't notice.

Positive thoughts

13-05-19, 22:09
Its a kin to the notorious rabid ninja bat or other animal :wacko: There's just no way you wouldn't notice.

Positive thoughts

The invisible biting bat is indeed a very elusive creature. Even its bite marks are invisible and it draws no (visible) blood.

Yet this HA phenomenon persists and harbours deadly invisible diseases of the mind :lac:

13-05-19, 22:38
Its a kin to the notorious rabid ninja bat or other animal :wacko: There's just no way you wouldn't notice.

The invisible biting bat is indeed a very elusive creature. Even its bite marks are invisible and it draws no (visible) blood.

Yes, of course, I'd not thought about it in invisible bat terms...same kind of scenario. However, the invisible biting bat just comes and goes at speed unseen (cos thats what bats do, fly fast), but the tick can only crawl at an astonishingly slow pace and doesn't bite and go - it hangs around for daayyyyyyssss. So, you have more chance of seeing it than the rabid invisible bat.

14-05-19, 21:01
EI do have pretty bad allergies though, that cause my ears to constantly pop. I wake up every morning with a completely blocked nose. Thing is anti histamines don’t seem to help.

I also clench my jaw on that side.

This is why it's happening. I get chronic ear fullness/crackling only on the left side. I think it's the the anatomy of that side of my head. I had dental work done on a top tooth on that side 4 years ago and that's when it started. Something changed with my bite and it also caused me to start having migraines. The ear fullness is SO annoying. Any time I get a cold or allergies my ear fills up and stays that way for weeks or months. Occasionally I'll have it looked at when it's really bad to be sure there's no infection, but there's never been one. Just a lot of fluid.