View Full Version : feeling unbalanced when walking or standing up

13-05-19, 22:16
hi all,
I've been feeling unbalanced while walking or just standing up in the past week or so. it's not too bad but it's that groggy/unbalanced/sleepy feeling. no headache or spinning or anything. if I sit down or lay down, I'm okay. I'm taking care of my 4month old baby so of course I never have enough sleep. I went to the doctor this morning and after checkup, she asks me to come back next week because she cut down my blood pressure medicine in half. My blood pressure was low at the doctor office. however, when I checked it at home before when I feel unbalanced, BP was fine. I've been taking it since my delivery due to pre-eclampsia. she also asked me to drink more water and try to sleep more (which is a no no in my situation right now)

I've anxiety so thinking of her sending me for CT scan or other stuff scares me. is this a sign of brain tumor?


13-05-19, 22:18
It is just normal stress and anxiety symptoms and not a brain tumour - how did you get to that conclusion?

13-05-19, 22:29
It is just normal stress and anxiety symptoms and not a brain tumour - how did you get to that conclusion?

I don't feel anxious when it starts. but since it doesn't stop, now I'm getting anxious if you understand what I mean, and my health anxiety got me to that conclusion (my fear of something sinister).

13-05-19, 22:34
You have all the reasons for it really - lack of sleep, new baby, low blood pressure

trust the docs on this one

14-05-19, 19:41
Sleep deprivation will do this!