View Full Version : Recurring UTI

15-05-19, 00:33
I'm very worried because I keep getting cystitis / bladder / urinay tract infections.

I was in hospital at the start of March this year for 2 days with a kidney infection. I had non-visible blood in the urine, as well as leucocytes etc apparently. All blood tests fine, notably kidney function. And a normal bladder and kidney ultrasound during my hospital admission.

But I've not been right really for the last few months, back and forth to the GP and walk in centre etc, given different courses of antibiotics for UTI's.. They seem to work briefly but then the symptoms return, or don't go away at all. I'm allergic to penicillin, erythromycin, clarithromycin, ciprofloxacin, Doxycycline, so they've tried me on Macrobid, Trimethoprim and Keflex but always the same story.

Whenever my urine is sent off to the lab for further testing it comes back normal which is so frustrating as how can they ever know how to treat the infection if they don't know what bug it is?!

Only finished my last course of antibiotics 3 days ago and the symptoms are back again.

Every time I have the dipstick test there is always blood present, they say.

I've now been referred to Urology and I'm seeing them next week.

Naturally I'm terrified it's bladder cancer.

Help I am so scared. Genuinely.

15-05-19, 08:00
I can understand why you’re scared, anything unexplained is worrying. It’s great that you’re on the right course now though and will be getting the help you need. Hopefully it won’t take too long to be seen either.

Anxiety is always worse when you’re run down too, so that can’t be helping. Try to think positively about how you’re on the right treatment path, and that they haven’t found anything worrying in all previous tests.

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