View Full Version : Red spot on tonsil

16-05-19, 07:24
It has been a long time since I have been here, trying to manage things. I woke up twice in the night with a really dry throat and had a drink of water. I live in a hot country where the AC is on all the time. I woke this morning and I felt like I had a tonsil stone (I get these horrible things frequently) but when I looked, I had a red spot, like a blood spot on my left tonsil. This has now sent me into a complete state thinking of all sorts and tonsil cancer. It isnt sore, I dont have a sore throat. I was wondering if perhaps it was because my throat was so dry? Maybe there was a tonsil stone there that has dislodged and let a red mark. It isn't bleeding.

16-05-19, 19:41
hmm not sure. maybe something you ate scratched your throat? I hate tonsil stones I get them too!! They are so stinky!

03-06-19, 03:19
I'm getting myself into such a state. Have had tonsil stones for years. I'm on holiday at the moment and I am obsessing about tonsil cancer. My throat is not sore. I can feel a stone "growing" but can't get at it yet to get it out. I looked at my throat this morning and it had like a red streak on it, as if it was bleeding but it wasn't. This was after brushing my teeth. The taste in my mouth us horrible. I have no other signs or.symptoms at all but keep worrying about this.

04-06-19, 06:36
So yesterday it was my tonsils. Today I fear I have pancreatitis. What is going on with me? Why is this happening all of a sudden? Im on holidays, relaxing but my mind is going nuts. I've read through some posts here and the general consesus is that if i had pancreatitis, i would most definitely know about it. I have a short sharp pain in my.left side, a bit like a stitch you would get if you were running. Not there all the time. I had far too much to drink last night and I think this has just exacberated everything.

04-06-19, 06:59
That must be really frustrating for you. I don't want to patronise, but when you're on an anxiety jag it's usually best to leave the booze alone.

04-06-19, 12:49

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