View Full Version : Internal Vibrations, Pulses & Strange body sensations

16-05-19, 12:27
Hiya Everyone

I'm jordan I'm 24 and have been struggling with anxiety and panic since the January

I had a very adverse reaction to citalopram after 18 days started to develop serotonin syndrome symptoms and was taken off the medication...
That was 7 weeks ago

I've been having some weird body sensations and after blood tests and a brain MRI my doctor assures me it's anxiety, it feels like alot more than that though like the citalopram has some how messed up my brain / nervous system

My symptoms are:
Buzzing sensations in my left leg and both my feet (Pretty much 24/7)
Vibration feelings felt in chest lung and heart areas (Pretty much 24/7)
Visual snow, eye floaters (24/7)
tinititus (comes and goes)
Pulsing / bubbling sensation in my head like my brains moving about (Pretty much 24/7)
popping in my ears (Comes and goes)
Joint pain and cracking noises (alot more than usual)
Hair Loss
Pulsing sensation in my elbows (Comes and goes)
Pins and needs in hands and feet (Comes and goes)
Anxiety that I'm dying or that the meds have poisoned me

Can anyone relate I feel helpless