View Full Version : Melanoma fear... trying not to Google

17-05-19, 00:52
So about two maybe three months ago I noticed a bump on my hand. It wasn't real big, probably 5mm or so. At the time I thought it was just a pimple of some sort, but when I squeezed it it wouldn't pop, so I put it to the back of my mind... Well, I no longer have the mental strength to keep this fear at bay. I always struggle around this time of year because this is the time of year my grandpa passed away and he always helped me calm down during my episodes. Anyway, back to the bump... It's still only about 5mm maybe less, but it seems to have grown upward slightly and when I pinch it it feels like there's a firm ball beneath my skin. It moves with my skin and does not roll under it like a healthy lymph node would. I am growing sick with fear and I'm really struggling not to Google image nodular melanoma for comparison. I called my primary, but the appointment is three weeks out...

I have been doing really good with CBT, but sometimes I just lose... :(

17-05-19, 01:09
You've been doing well. This is just a blip. Ride it out. It hasn't changed nor grown so....

Positive thoughts

17-05-19, 02:15
Very true. Positive thinking and staying busy are essential for me in times like these.