View Full Version : Blocked ear

17-05-19, 09:21
Currently have the flu and yesterday night my right ear became clogged. I can hear the sound of the ocean in that ear which is worrying me. Will this tinnitus remain long term?

I’ve been taking decongestant tablets but it’s still blocked.

Tried to yawn, chew etc. but nothing seems to work.

17-05-19, 13:16
If you have an influenza infection, it can take weeks or months to recover. The congestion will eventually go away. When it does, your temporary hearing problem will go with it. Have you tried very gently popping your ears by pinching your nose, closing your mouth and breathing out against the resistance? This will sometimes unblock the Eustachian tube which connects throat to ear (but can cause earache and/or dizziness in the process).

Thank you for that, made me feel better.

Tried to pop my ears by closing my nose and it doesn’t work.

17-05-19, 13:33
I can never pop my ears that way! I don't know what people are doing, but it doesn't work for me.

That said, every time my nose/sinuses get full from a cold, flu, allergies, etc... My ear fills up, sometimes for weeks! It's obnoxious, but not the least bit dangerous or permanent. Drink a lot of fluids and try not to sniff your snot in. Blow your nose, put your face under a hot shower, etc... Anything to help promote drainage. But really, time is the only true remedy.

18-05-19, 15:22
So my ear isn’t as blocked but loud high pitched noises I can’t stand. Is this normal?

I really don’t want to go back to the doctors on Monday.

20-05-19, 09:42
Hi Shotta,

How did it go, did you end up going back to the doctors?

Hope you're feeling better!

20-05-19, 13:12
Hi Shotta,

How did it go, did you end up going back to the doctors?

Hope you're feeling better!

Hi thanks and I may go to the doctors tomorrow as I can’t seem to fight off this flu/infection.

My ear is slowly improving still ends up blocked if I blow my nose out to let out snot etc.