View Full Version : Solar Keratosis on Lips?

17-05-19, 11:26
As anyone ever had solar keratosis on their lips? I'm working very hard on not letting this worry me, but I think this might be what's going on with my lip now (and in the past). Since at least last summer, as soon as I'm in the sun for more than a few minutes, one spot on my upper lip will become sore, dry, and scaley. It then takes days to weeks for it to heal. It happened last summer, but the weather was awful so we were not out much. This summer it's already happened twice. I've always just kind of brushed it off as chapped lips/mild sunburn, but then a friend mentioned this when I was complaining about it since it's one specific spot.

I made an appointment to see my dermatologist on Monday. I know that even if it is this, it's not that big of a deal and can be treated... AND even if it did turn into squamous cell carcinoma that it could almost certainly STILL be treated, but of course, any wait for an appointment opens the door to those invasive thoughts.

I've worked extremely hard over the past year to get into an amazing place anxiety-wise and I won't let this throw me off the wagon, but I thought reaching out to you guys, getting some positive stories, and some good juju, may help me pass the next few days! Thanks!

17-05-19, 11:30
It really, really isn't likely, promise.

However, as somebody who's lived through the whole non-melanoma skin cancer thing, it genuinely isn't a big deal. I left my BCC alone to grow for at least five years, and it still wasn't a massive hassle to get removed.

17-05-19, 11:46
Thanks, BlueIris! My biggest worry, honestly, is how to treat it on my lip - if necessary - without leaving a big scar/changing the shape of my lip. It's right in one of the bumps of my upper lip. It definitely disappears during the winter, so I don't think it's progressed to cancer if it is keratosis and it came and went in early spring until the other day when I stood in the direct sun for about 30 minutes after picking my daughter up from school. I didn't even think about it, but then woke up the next morning and it was back. It's impossible not to notice because it feels like extremely chapped lips, which are a constant hassle all day!

17-05-19, 11:54
I'm sure it won't come to that, but, worst case scenario...

Make sure you get a plastic surgeon to deal with it rather than a dermatologist. I was youngish when I had my BCC (38) and so the derm refused to do the surgery because she wanted somebody who wouldn't leave me with one permanently raised eyebrow ;) A good cosmetic surgeon can work miracles.

17-05-19, 13:26
Thanks, Blue. I definitely will.

17-05-19, 14:57
erin!! i have this. can you believe this? seriously. another thing we have in common. it's on the hump of my upper lip and it comes and goes. last year i thought maybe i had contracted herpes because it was red and looked like maybe a cold sore was starting to form.
i didn't know it had a name.

oddly, once i realized it wasn't a cold sore, i was relived. i didn't see a dr about it, and haven't worried about it at all. my plan was to ask my derm on my next visit, later this year.

as far as if it does have to be removed at some point, they have specialized types of removal for something that is on a sensitive area, and can totally do it without it causing a deformity to your lip.

(ps. i owe you an email....i've been thinking about you everyday, and have so many things to share)...just trying to get past graduation :)

17-05-19, 15:17
That is absurd that you have this too! And mine is in the exact spot, which is a rare spot for it. Too funny. Yeah, it doesn't seem like too big of a deal in the long run if it turns out to be that. It still may not even be that since it typically occurs after age 45, 95% of cases are on the lower lip, and it's way more common in men. But we'll see! I'll let you know what the derm say on Monday!

No worries about the email! I understand being busy! Enjoy the graduation and I'll look out for an email update on everything!

20-05-19, 21:20
Just to update: The dermatologist didn't think it was solar keratosis since it clears up so fast. She said it's worth keeping an eye on, but at this point isn't anything dangerous or that is likely to turn dangerous, so to just be aware of any changes or recurrence and keep sunscreen on.

Thanks for the good vibes!

20-05-19, 21:22
That's great news!