View Full Version : Crazy blood pressure values

17-05-19, 13:32
Decided to measure blood pressure today after a while.

First measure was 120/80, second one, around that one. It looked to me though that my arm was too low so decided to switch to a place where I used to measure where the arm is higher. Measured it there 130/93 and then the crazy measurements started.

I measured on this plays couple more times and it was fluctuating a lot.

Returned to the place I measured it at first and again, one measure was 140/1110, switched hand and it was 140/120.

Got petrified, stopped measuring for a while, returned after 5 minutes and it was 112/83 and that is when I stopped measuring.

Now I have no idea what to trust. I mean if I had stopped measuring after that first measurement I would believe that my BP is 120/8- and everything is golden, but I managed to see the reading of 140/120 which is crazy high.

My heart rate was elevated every time. Even the first time I measured it , my rate was 135 due to anxiety of measuring BP.

17-05-19, 13:39
If you are not "trained" in how to correctly use a BP machine and where to put the cuff and how to rest the arm and the shoulders then you will get crazy results.

You also can't keep doing them close together either.

17-05-19, 13:52
It is an automatic device. Resting arm, cuff above the elbow, how hard can it be :/

17-05-19, 14:12
Yes I know it is an automatic device.

You are saying you were putting your arm higher up so I guessed you didn't know the correct position to have the arm in.

As I said you cannot keep doing it over and over without a rest in-between either.

Not really sure why you are worrying over this - take one reading and believe it.

17-05-19, 15:36
Not really sure why you are worrying over this - take one reading and believe it.


Positive thoughts

21-05-19, 19:56
If you're too hot and or too cold, have caffeine, eat, are anxious, take the readings to close together, and use the wrong size cuff you can get different readings, high or low, you have to sit quietly for ten mins, with feet flat on the floor, no moving or talking, breathing normally, and arm raised up to heart level on a surface.

22-05-19, 06:03
Put cuff on wrist.
Rest hand on opposite shoulder.
Make sure you're sitting up straight.
Push go button and wait for it to finish.

11-06-19, 22:18