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View Full Version : Anxiety as we age...?

17-05-19, 18:19
I first began having anxiety issues in my preteen years. I would worry about bruises(childhood leukemia), stomach pain (appendicitis), I would worry about making new friends, or if the friends I had actually liked me and I would compulsively pick at acne (still do) in the misguided hopes that the picking would make them go away. My worries didn't stop there... the thing is, it never tore me apart in the same way that it does now. It never stopped my life in its tracks. Maybe that's because the stakes are higher. I'm a father now and my anxiety of dying is very much attached my children's future and not only theirs, but my wife's as well. I worry A LOT about their future, their friendships and their health too. Has anyone here had a similar uptick in anxiety with age? Has anyone found it easier to deal with the older you've got?.... point being, my anxiety has aged like a poorly sealed jar of tomatoes. How about yours?

17-05-19, 19:47
That's an interesting question and I'm curious as to the responses. From a non-sufferer's perspective, I can say I have more worries now at 60 than I did when I was younger. Of course with both my wife an I having pre-existing conditions, I'm concerned about our health but mostly at this point it's the financial aspects and responsibilities as I approach retirement age.

That said, having been through what I have, I really do subscribe to the quote in my signature. Shit happens, its how you deal with it that matters.

Positive thoughts

17-05-19, 20:26
That Is sooo true. Life is certainly what you make of it... A bit of a hard pill to swallow for someone such as myself though lol.
Ya know Fishmanpa, I have always assumed you weren't someone who struggled as much with anxiety as most of us on here, but I never knew for sure until now. Your advise has always been different from that of someone with anxiety. It's always a little more straight to the point and logical. I appreciate that, by the way.
If you don't mind me asking, how did you stumble upon No More Panic?

17-05-19, 22:57
That Is sooo true. Life is certainly what you make of it... A bit of a hard pill to swallow for someone such as myself though lol.
Ya know Fishmanpa, I have always assumed you weren't someone who struggled as much with anxiety as most of us on here, but I never knew for sure until now. Your advise has always been different from that of someone with anxiety. It's always a little more straight to the point and logical. I appreciate that, by the way.
If you don't mind me asking, how did you stumble upon No More Panic?

When I was battling cancer, I was part of a cancer forum. We'd often get HA sufferers coming on the Head and Neck cancer boards posting the same fears and irrational thoughts as we see here. Even when people actually battling cancer replied and offered reassurance, we'd get the same types of replies. One day I had enough, tracked down two members to this site and came here to give them a piece of my mind. I still find it incredibly rude for anxiety sufferers to post on the cancer and other disease forums seeking reassurance. After reading some of the threads, I decided to stick around and try to help. Also, my daughter suffers from anxiety and depression and I've gained a lot of insight to her illness and its enabled me to be more effective in helping her.

Personally, I've struggled with some depression after my illnesses and I've been challenged with 'scanxiety after my cancer as I had a 50/50 chance of it returning within two years. I took meds for depression (Zoloft) and Buspar for the 'scanxiety' along with some one on one therapy. I also put to use the FREE CBT (http://cbt4panic.org/) course offered here during my therapy after cancer. While all of it didn't apply, several aspects did and I find it useful in every day stresses (work, relationships etc.).

So there you go... Not everyone is a fan of my directness but the ones that appreciate and benefit far outweigh those the disagree :) Pay it forward right?

Positive thoughts

18-05-19, 22:44
I can't imagine how difficult that must have been. I do find it pretty cringy when anxiety sufferers burden people who have genuine life threatening illnesses with their worries. I'm sure it's every bit as frustrating as some of these NMP users who come here just to mock us... and then some.

It's pretty neat that you decided to stay and help after all of that. CBT, for me, has been huge. Previous to my therapy and CBT I would become very depressed during my episodes to the point where I would lose my appetite, drop 10-30 ibs( I really lost 30lbs once) , lay in bed for hours and hours and so on and so forth. It was affecting my parenting, my Relationship with my wife and it was putting my employment in jeapardy, as well. I knew I had to get help, if not for myself for my family.

I for one, am glad you stuck around. You have left good advise on most if not all of my posts and I've got great secondhand advise from you on other people's posts.

18-05-19, 23:03
I don't think it's automatic to suffer more anxiety as you get older, but I do think that stresses compound as you get older, just because of the way we lead our lives these days.

The key is to find the best way to manage stress, and that's often simple acceptance. I've found over the years that fighting the stress is what causes the issue, possibly more so than the stress itself.

My worst anxiety and panic happened due to stress, but as I learned how to deal with anxiety and eventually beat it (took years), my stress levels actually increased. I can still feel anxiety from time to time, but it never interferes with my life any more, or sends me into an eternal spiral. I let it happen, let things calm down and then just get back on the horse.

There's a difference between planning for the future and worrying about it. Connected with acceptance is living in the moment. The only thing that's real in your life is this second, so instead of worrying about your childrens future (we all do it), just sit with them and listen to them talk or watch them play. It's bloody awesome!