View Full Version : Big Anxiety and Panic Attack Today First Time In A While

17-05-19, 20:09
Today I had my psych appointment and I hate going to those things, Hate leaving the house. I had a big panic attack in the car, when I got there and checked in, they take my blood pressure, I guess I was so anxious they couldn't use the electric one, tried twice and wouldn't read, so they did it manually, bp was 160/86, nurse told me she bets if I sit quietly it will go down by about ten or fifteen points, also had a big panic attack in psych office while talking to him, then I have been coughing up a storm today, and feel like I have muscus draining down the back of my throat which makes it feel like my throat has a tickle or something stuck in it, and then that sets my Health Anxiety off thinking I have congestive heart failure, I have been watching my sodium and working out and such, and I don't feel tired at all, been eating more salads and veggies, and now starting to cut back on sodas, guys I am so sick of this anxiety and panic attacks and health anxiety.

17-05-19, 21:39
Sounds like a tough day, well done for getting through it and doing the things that cause you so much stress.
Tomorrow is another day.

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17-05-19, 22:15
Thank you scass.

18-05-19, 03:18
What an utterly cruddy day! Sending positive vibes in your direction.

21-05-19, 19:58
Thanks Iris, I am better today.