View Full Version : I need further tests

13-09-07, 12:02
Hi , everyone , Ive been getting myself in a pickle this morning :blush: ,
I phoned the ENT department to ask what medication i could take to
help with my dizziness , then the secretary got my folder out and told me that I have to have Balance tests next and she asked
"did the doctor tell you that you seem to have meniers disease " :ohmy: .

Ok I know I need to have more tests , but why didnt the doctor tell me this ?

She will be phoning me back about the medicine I should take , wish she would hurry up !!!

thank you for listening :hugs: .

13-09-07, 12:31
Aww sorry to hear you are upset Mirry :hugs:

Communicating to patients isn't always theirs strongest point unfortunately. I experienced that yesterday too.

Karen xx

13-09-07, 12:54
ooo how r u Karen , long time no chat :hugs: .

Yes they dont communicate that well do they :shrug: . Im still awaiting the phone call to let me know what i can take , sitting here feeling dizzy and fed up, keep reminding myself that you have to make the most of what youve got !

13-09-07, 12:56
hi mirry:)
i know how frustrated you must be feeling right now,and hopefully she won,t take long to phone you back!
my friend has mieneres(sp?) but with medication feels fine now!
good luck with the balance tests
hopefully you,ll feel much better soon!!!:hugs:
take care
rach x x x

13-09-07, 13:07
ahh thanks rach , did your friend have any hearing loss with it ?

thanks for giving me hope xxx

13-09-07, 13:43
Hi Hun..i would be surprised if you have menieres mate:huh: i worked with folk who had that..it tends to affect older folk too..do you have tinnitus mate?Is your hearing ok?Lack of balance is only a small part of menieres Mirry..it may be bad vertigo ..wait for the tests hun..bad that you heard this from the receptionist not your dr:mad: RUDDY HOSPITALS!!!Thinkin of you hun.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13-09-07, 15:15
paddy , yes I get the tinnitus at night time , rarely in the day.
My hearing is ok but borderline in left ear (same side as tinitus).
He said I do have a inner ear disorder of some sort cos I failed the goggle test and the balance test he gave me.
I hope its not meniers cos it cant be cured, do you know im still waiting for her to phone me !!!

13-09-07, 18:20
hi mirry
yeah my friend is deaf in one ear but i think its selective hearing most of the time!!!!!(only when her hubby asks her to get him something!!!!!!lol):D
but she manages fine!!!!1
have you lost some of your hearing?
take care
rach x x x