View Full Version : Hi i'm new to this website

13-09-07, 13:44
Hi all my name is Sara I really don’t know where to start it started after I had my first child a year ago I started to have really bad palpitations I went to my doctor and was told they where normal but the more I thought about it got worse I had a cardiac tape fitted and that was fine I’ve had loads of ECG’s and chest x-rays and blood tests now I am finding as soon as I wake up I think I’m going to have a heart attack I get chest pains and pins and needles down my arm and it feels like I’m going to pass out I’m also having trouble sleeping now the doctor has put me on tablets but I feel they are not working for me I have asked if I can see some one for cbt but he thinks I can beat it on my own and this has been going on for ages and I really feel like I’m losing my mind or I’m going to die has any one got any ideas I feel so down but other days I feel on top of the world look forward to your reply’s


13-09-07, 13:49
hello sara hun:hugs: so glad you found us:D Allyour symptoms are so typical of anxiety hun..look thru the first steps on here hun..and the symptoms too as it will stop you feeling so alone with it ..i am almost cured after joining this site last year:yesyes: Her any time you fancy a natter..pm me if you want to hun.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13-09-07, 14:14
Hi Sara
you are really not alone in the way you feel hon. I too had pins and needles (down my left arm/hand) was convinced i was going to have heart attack. I didn't and that was a year ago :)
Let me tell you, that
A) your are not going to die..
B) you are NOT losing your mind.
Whilst it is true that some people can beat anxiety/panic/depression etc on their own, for others, help is needed and if you want to have counselling in any way, shape or form then keep telling your doctor, ask for another doctor or go private.
Again, if the pills you are taking are not helping or are making you feel worse then please insist you try something else!
Sometimes it takes a while to find what best suits you.

This site is wonderful and I'm sure you'll find some reassurance from here like i have.

em xx-xx

13-09-07, 16:02
Hello Sarah And Welcome I Know These Feelings Are Scary And When We Think Of Them They Just Esculate But Know This They Wont Harm You And When You Keep Telling Yaself This Shall Pass Its Only Anxiety You Will See It Gets Better.......i Wish Ya The Best.........linda

13-09-07, 16:18
Hi Sara,

Welcome to NMP. You have come to the right place. Many here feel like you do and you will get support.



13-09-07, 19:04
Hi Sara

:welcome: aboard and hope we can be of some help.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left - loads of info about palpitations etc.

13-09-07, 21:08
Hello Sara:welcome:to you!

You're not alone love - and you're certainly not losing your mind or going to die!

We're all in the same boat here so you'll get plenty of help and support.

Pleased to meet you!


13-09-07, 22:16
Hi Sara and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. You sound like you're suffering with common anxiety symptoms and they are really scary. :hugs: I suggest you read the first steps and panic attacks info on the left of this page as it explains why we get the symptoms which helps you feel better.

Take care,

Mike :)

14-09-07, 00:20
Thank you so much for the advice everyone some of the things that i have looked have def eased my mind its just trying to tell the brain is the next step once again thank you so much


14-09-07, 08:06
Hi Sara,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

14-09-07, 11:04
Hello Sara

:welcome: to the NMP forum.

14-09-07, 18:54
Hi Sara

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


15-09-07, 09:50
Hi Sara
I thought I was going mad until I stumbled across this site. I now know that I'm not going mad. I also managed to seek advice from my GP thanks to the encouragement of people on this site. I am now on meds and starting to live again.

16-09-07, 03:20
hi sara i joined this site august 21 and its brill you will get loads of support here and info you arnt alone ive had anxiety for 4 months now . this site as helped me understand and that im not alone you will find it helpful to tc elaine xx

16-09-07, 14:29

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

16-09-07, 22:29
Hi Sara

Welcome to nmp, hope this site helps you.

Love Mags xxx